Email Submissions??
#1 posted by
Shambler on 2020/11/12 10:13:24
Or upload submissions??
Also alternate discussion channel here:
GL HF mappers and don't put too much cheeky architecture outside the cube :P
Upload Submissions Will Be Fine
Participants can upload to Quaketastic by the deadline and I'll add them into the pack. Use the naming convention and include a readme.txt Thanks for setting up the TF discussion channel.
Just Curious, But...
Why do all X-Mas jams have the 1024x1024x1024 constraint? What if someone wanted to make, for example, a map involving a func_sleigh ride across a vast frozen plain, "gibbing all the way"?
#5 posted by
Joel B on 2020/11/14 18:39:02
Yeah it was a constraint on the first one, and it has been carried over to subsequent Xmas jams because it is a neat part of the character of the thing.
I see. Thanks for the info.
In general, I'm not a fan of small maps, especially ones which substitute exploration with spawning a bunch of monsters in your face. But to each his own.
When I imagine a start map for a Xmas-themed pack, I tend to think of a giant pyramidal tree decorated with those floating orbs and gift boxes around its base, and when "opened," each gift would reveal a portal to a map entry (because community maps ARE gifts.) But then, I'm not the one organizing this jam, and my idea may not be feasible anyway.
I'd say it's a soft restriction tbh. Just don't go too big.
The idea that each small map is a door in an advent calendar, like a little piece of chocolate is each map :)
Wasn't this supposed to be out by now?
Christmas Comes Tomorrow
#9 posted by
arkngt on 2020/12/18 14:17:26
From Quake Mapping on Discord:
Comrade Beep
Today 05:27
We are slightly delayed. Looking to launch tomorrow. Everything is looking good but I want to make sure everything goes smoothly
Everybody's portal is hooked up and working well. I need to do some logic stuff for the gates to keep track of maps played and not played.
#10 posted by
mtk on 2020/12/19 11:22:56
awesome, thanks for the update
#11 posted by
arkngt on 2020/12/19 14:15:46
It's postponed until tomorrow, again, btw.