Really Good Stuff Guys
Impressed with how this turned out, a lot more modest than past 100b outings.
However, looks like Elithium's doc got copied over with mine!

Yup ...a Minor Goof!
#2 posted by
Greenwood on 2019/10/31 03:13:24
Yup. Since you two didn't create a read me file and I wanted everything uniform, I made some generic read me files for you and Elithium. I failed to change the map/author name in the content of his read me, so yours carried over. I really wanted to get this out before it got eclipsed by the Halloween Jam (which it most assuredly will). Unfortunately, I can not update/replace the Quaketastic upload.
I have emailed Spirit regarding any special packaging needed to accommodate for his site's Injector. Hopefully, I can rectify this for archival purposes.

#3 posted by
Greenwood on 2019/10/31 03:23:10
Elithium's map is "50 Shades of Copper." You can simply delete his read me file, since it is incorrect or make this change within the document.
#4 posted by
jcr on 2019/12/19 04:26:14
Finally got around to playing these again but with copper this time. Nice job guys!