Would you mind if I did a video critique of this level? I posted one here and got great feedback from viewers.
I think your map would be a great subject. I like to get the mapper's blessing ahead of time tho.
Second. Are you abandoning this map? I think setting it aside while you work on something is fine but you should complete it eventually. A lot of first time mppers "bite off more than they can chew" on a map and start with something overly ambitious. This might be the case this time. Maybe set this aside for now and make something smaller and simpler with a smaller enemy count and a more linear layout.
Why no sky and why so dark? It's not hard to make a version of you map with some temp lights so we can avoid playing it fullbright.
One last thing for next time: You should post betas like this in Beta and Screenshots. Not as a standalone news post. You reserve those for final releases.