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BETA: Keep Q1 SP 'Uber Mod' (all Monsters Etc) Devblog.
Latest updates, tidbits, and ramblings. Ask questions here. To avoid the many expected (and encouraged!) "Hey will feature X be included?" questions, the following mods will be subsumed into the collective:
AD - Used as the mod base structure. All added features use AD's specific code types, classes, infighting, etc.
Mission Pack 1 (Hipnotic)
Mission Pack 2 (Rogue)
Quoth 2.1 atm (2.2 is closed source)
Kinn (from the Marcher and others)
And my custom stuff (such as my programmable coordinate func_robot with its special syncronization code for mating up with other robots seemlessly, great for machinery or buildings that assemble themselves)

Yes I have the fix for fish monster count!

Feature list:

Download v. 0.40, 395mb (OLD VERSION)

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Where? Where? 
What Wolf? Huh? 
I Tried Searching For It... 
But no results. So, I must have made it up.

Sorry, 'Slime. 
Checklist Updated (see Top Post), FYI 
Updated FGD: JACK_Keep.fgd

Is there an fgd to def converter? 
Qmaster, I just read your nehahra review on quaddicted lol

Will you be adding the nehahra monsters and weapons still for the historical significance or is it totally out of the question? 
Ya I'll Probably Add Them 
I've already started adding some of the effects from it. Just because I think snakeman and others are....lame...the mapper is still always right. 
This is so exciting. Just looking at the list is mind-numbing. I wonder if could simply add fgd support to Radiant? 
Keep Version 0.40: 
Download: [359MB!]
As usual, please make a new folder instead of overwrite (getting close to where this won't be necessary, should probably split the qc source and fgd out into its own devkit). This is getting a bit large now. The progs.dat file is 2459kb. Original progs.dat was only 635kb. Interesting trivia for comparison, the ID team had an internal limit of 1400kb for map .bsp files that they tried to stick to. FGD is in the zip now too.

The Asset Library is also starting to get some areas made more proper. It will be basically like a museum. Still very work-in-progress along with the Readme tome.

Fixed a bug where selecting the axe when player has no weapons would make the axe model appear.
Fixed a bug where picking up upgrade weapons wouldn't let you switch to it unless you already had the previous weapon.
Fixed a bug that crashed when cycling weapons when the player doesn't have any.
Fixed a bug where monster_polyp used movetype walk instead of fly.
Fixed a bug where monster_polyp was trying to set frame on its gibs to different values.
Fixed a bug where snakeman sight sound kept playing (changed CHAN to BODY)
Fixed a bug where virtus would keep raising up 24 units after resurfacing
Added worldspawn choice to use original axe or AD axe (default).
Added Willy the spider
Added Floyd
Added Sentinel
Added misc_gibft
Added misc_smokemaker
Added misc_glitter
Added misc_sparks
Added misc_boom
Added info_particles
Added mapobject_custom (just uses misc_model)
Added a few features of mapobject_custom to misc_model for both such as avelocity
Added env_sprite for custom effects and allows specifying frame anim ranges in .spr's
Added extras_r4 particle emitters
Added extras_r4 particle triggers (e.g. effectors)
Added Hell Hound from Drake
Added Anaconda boss from Anaconda mod. (Note can set spawnflag 2 to prevent intermission)
Added Snakeman.
Added Virtus lava worm. (Note can set spawnflag 2 to prevent intermission)

Ok, did I get everyone's requests? :) 
fucking stud... damn I am gonna be up to my ass in Quake this weekend. 
Qmaster, I've put a link to Dr. Shadowborg's mod in this thread. Check it out, it has some good monsters and weapons 
You also forgot the cyberdemon from event horizon 
also the walker from gmsp1 
Particle Field Is Broken 
it doesnt show the particles, just invisible wall

hipnotic particle field

keep particle field

notice this ammo icon is borked too 
Ammo Icons 
Will remain borked for the time being. I'll need to delve into the engine code to figure out why running with -rogue crashes the game even though I specifically picked the bit values for ammo and weapons to match rogue bits.

Part field: ok will check it. Might have something to do with the AD particle system. 
Wassup with this mod? 
Wassup with this mod? 
I Still Poke Around Fron Time To Time 
And add features when people request them, but for the most part I'm focussing on another project.

The goal is to provide the most complete set of features to mappers. As it is in beta, I can't 100% guarantee that it is bug free. Please feel free to use it and if you encounter any problems when testing your maps, let me know and I can fix it soon as I can. 
I Will Return Later This Year To Make This More Complete 
Great news. I was hoping to do a video on it in the near term as I do love what it offers. Just wanted to make sure it's still supported. No pressure but relieved to hear it is! 
It Will Be Getting Plenty More Testing From Me This Summer 
such an awesome and long-overdue project 
Got around to adding the wand. 
Notes About Keep 
1.Most of the monsters share the Death Knights death message,or just show the player name.
2.When I tested, game keep -rogue worked perfectly.No ammo icons borked,but the Nipah virus outbreak in my native Kerala(especially in Kannur and Kozhikode districts where most of my family are in.Fuck!) Is making me so worried I can't remember stuff.I may need to test again. 
Notes 2 
3.I test with QuakeSpasm-Spiked 0.93.0
4.Qmaster,kindly upgrade to AD 1.7 P1, it's more convenient since death messages are in each monster file now.And other stuff.
5.I'm gonna read your code and write an axeman by myself,but based on your Keep code.Is it ok? Or should I credit you? 
1. I haven't tidied up the death message code yet. Thanks for the reminder.
2. Should be mostly ok on -rogue for ammo icons, but of course without implementing a csqc of some sort it will be an incomplete hud. I plan to keep messing with that, but it isn't a main focus since it doesn't really detract from gameplay much.
3. I use that one and Mark V. Occassionally I'll test in DP or FTE.
4. AD 1.71 is on my todo list.
5. That's fine but the axeman originally came from SOE. ;) 
Probably A Stupid Question But... 
Where is the download for this? I looked at the OP but only found the link to the spreadsheet thingy. :) 
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