Unfortunately my demos only show a small part of it, as i forgot to keep recording after dying, but got it done with 2 or 3 deaths, no cheats used, 518/538 enemies killed and 8/13 secrets found.
Huge lenght, till the point i almost thought of it being endless, Id and probably too Unreal inspired brushwork, with lots of setpieces (i liked this approach, as it didn't make it easier to get lost), hectic and very repetitive combats, mainly linear and 2D layout but with plenty of exploration, well done secrets and varied side areas, and good underwater areas.
It was fun, right my alley in several aspects, and had some memorable moments. I like to use the GL to its strenghts and this time had to all the time. At first was left puzzled at the lack of shells, but got accustomed fast as the ammo given was always useful, and the amount was always good, well placed and in adequate amounts, as even i was most of times at full capacity on nails and explosives, but not too much. After i got accustomed to the ambushes i could go with more ease by being very cautious, expect plenty of damage and play each weapon by its strenghts. It was a bit frustrating at first but when i got the hang of it, it was fun.
My suggestions:
- I don't mind you making it hard, but what you should aim is that most encounters can be get past by someone apart from you on the first time, at least except one or two, and never the first ones. Not to make them easier but to make it easier to realize how to survive the encounter, to let the player see the light at the end of the tunnel even if it is the thorniest one.
- Back spawning is OK, but only as long as you give room to the player to notice them it the look at their backs from time to time. It isn't fun when one will always get hurt no matter what they do. At first they will complain so throw a knight or similar but after getting accustomed it will be fun.
- The placement of enemies is very repetitive: even though i never got bored because i was kept on the thrill all the time, it was still too much. All the time the same, bounce some grenades at the obvious places and get the SNG ready for the teleport ambushes.
- Opposite of my expectations, as you used set-pieces a lot to make your rooms, i never got lost, except a bit on the area after the two spiral staircases. It was because the area is big, so if you are going for non-linearity, landmarks or memorable places are needed to not get lost, like for examples big changes in size or height of the room, a set-piece, or an outdoor ''room'' after several indoor ones.
- In some ambushes, i got hurt more by the darkness not letting me see the enemies and having to guess with grenades than the enemies themselves, specially till the second vore ambush.
- A bit more of height changes would be nice, as most of the combat was mostly at similar heights.
- More than the cramped places, what bugged me more was that the columns on the walls and other details bothered me more than the enemies, and was easy to get stuck on them. I got it solved by clearing the rooms with bouncing grenades before any could see me and going gun-ho with the SNG and checking every spot first for the ambushes, but it is still a concern.