Not Quite When Predicted
#1 posted by
nitin on 2017/02/26 09:00:07
but Skynet is finally here.

#2 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/02/26 11:38:10
surveylLance ztateMent can be played on weaker engines such as WinQuake, but you will receive disappearing surfaces, packet overflows, and sudden sound cutoffs.
#3 posted by No on 2017/02/26 12:11:01
That's because the map is completely unvised, FFS!

#4 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/02/26 12:38:00
The yelow version was vised.

Hc3.zip Updated
#5 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/02/26 12:54:35
The .zip folder for hc3 has been updated because it was VISed minutes ago.
Gameplay was fast and fun but the map isnt good in general. I think you should examine the classic maps of quake and Arcane Dimension maps more. Examine the size of certain areas, how much space the player for moving in the terrain, where are the enemies positioned, and how the lighting is set up. You are making progress Hex!

"The Map Isnt Good In General"
#7 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/02/26 14:26:39
FifthElephant commented in a demo he sent to me of him testing the beta version of this map that there are no rooms over rooms, so that's one of the reasons why hc3 wasn't perfect for both him and you Naitelveni.

Screenshots !
#8 posted by
Barnak on 2017/02/26 14:32:36
Can't we have screen captures, before downloading !?

#9 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/02/26 14:55:42
@Naitelveni: I tried playing the demo, but I received errors about it. I wonder why.
@Barnak: I wish a screenshot of it must be made and shared on this func_msgboard thread.

#10 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/02/26 15:03:09
Oh wait a minute, I had to download it from mediafire in that link you sent to me.

Here's A Screenshot:
#13 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/02/26 16:45:46
I inaccurately denied that I did a screenshot, for that I did several of them for hc3.
I just took this one recently in response to your needs for the screenshot.
Screenshot link:
#15 posted by
Kinn on 2017/02/26 17:03:11
I think you should examine the classic maps of quake and Arcane Dimension maps
The phrase "walk before you can run" might be relevant here. I'd recommend learning with the bread-and-butter stuff like id maps and czg's terra, before you go off trying to make the next ad_swampy.

Yeah, Czg (indeed).
#16 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/02/26 17:22:08
So yeah, I think I can study maps by playing them (at least).

Ok Map...
#17 posted by Claire Redfield on 2017/02/26 23:37:04
Another hexcalk release, and not surprisingly every single comment in this section is by hexcalk explaining some mistake or reiterating the meaning of some previous comment. But that's neither here nor there..
So, this map has some strengths hexcalk. I like this unique texture theme and ideas with the colours. The problem is the lighting is abysmal, entire sections appear completely whitewashed and it looks as if the map was compiled without light. This needs work.
Ok, so the combats have some exciting bits, I like picking up the grenade launcher and then blasting the hordes near it. Here is the problem, the majority of rooms have a tight entrance with all monsters facing it aggroing immediately. The monsters are stacked in rows and cannot attack the player so end up killing each other. Half of the kills were infighting, this was not intelligent infighting. You need to place monsters in tactical ambushes, behind corners, more tactically spaced throughout the combat rooms.
The vore ambush is a good idea but the issue is the vore spawns so far away and there is no tactical cover in the room with the vore so the only option is to shotgun snipe it from 2 rooms away. BORING.
The final Shambler ambush is good. Its an ok classic ending, but a little boring. Need to spice it up with some close range mobs to add challenge.
The monster theme is random, I don't know why random knights are in a tech base ventilation shaft, and a room full of zombies placed perfectly in grid formation. This seems lazy. Zombies belong in medieval sewers or graveyard theme. I understand the ending seems to be leading to another dimension, but then the exit portal appears in a different room with no explanation or indication it is a wind tunnel. This is confusing. Theme needs to be consistent.
Ok you have some strengths here, but needs more work. My honest opinion. Keep mapping.

To Claire Redfield:
#18 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/02/27 03:04:16
Your opinion's great, I like it. I'll keep mapping indeed.

SurveylLance ZtateMent Extend
#19 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/02/27 05:11:20
A new version of hc3 by me is out on Quaketastic now. Some notable differences are not by large but to be expected.
Quaketastic link:

#20 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/02/27 16:26:08
I prefer calling the vised version of hc3 "hc3vis".

Why Hcvis
#22 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/02/27 16:39:11
Because I forgot to compile the orignal version of the hc3 map using VIS, so I had to use VIS to make hc3vis.

Why Hc3vis
#23 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/02/27 16:40:55
Because I forgot to compile the orignal version of the hc3 map using VIS, so I had to use VIS to make hc3vis.
(Note: In my last post I forgot to put the number 3 in the title of the comment "Why Hcvis".)

For Hc3vis
#24 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/02/27 16:45:49
So after making hc3vis I updated the hc3.zip file folder to include hc3vis.

Please Notice That...
#25 posted by
hexcalk on 2017/02/27 16:48:41
..."For Hc3vis" was my 108th post, because 108 is a lucky number.