Wow, Seriously?
#1 posted by Kingold on 2016/03/12 00:23:28
Let's see what engine ports will be made.
#2 posted by
SgtCrispy on 2016/03/13 05:20:08
Time to dig out the old SS disc again to keep handy I suppose.
It Was Never Open Source?
I find that odd. I won't be messing with it, but it sounds like a lot of people will be having some fun 8)
I Wonder
#4 posted by
Hipshot on 2016/03/19 15:38:44
If there's any reason to make a source port engine of this, since SSHD is already powered by Serious Engine 2.5/3 and that should probably cover most if not all graphical things to date...
@#4, True Enough
#5 posted by Kingold on 2016/03/21 09:10:01
But the advantage of an engine port is that it could be used for playing third party maps or mods, while a HD remake usually only allows you to enjoy the official campaigns.
Yea Yea
#6 posted by Dat Nigga on 2016/08/03 18:39:04
There's secret levels and cool little things missing from the HD versions though.
#7 posted by
mjb on 2016/08/03 18:53:20
Gravity gimmicks found on numerous levels and secrets are missing as well. As a raving Serious Sam fan, that was a letdown to see those missing.
#8 posted by
dwere on 2016/08/03 19:07:24
Really? They even removed that?
I only played a couple of levels and didn't think they did such a lazy job. I mean, I thought there was room for improvement, but I had no idea.
No Cool Gravity
#9 posted by
mjb on 2016/08/03 20:56:49
Yeah things like walking around a large torus like room and flipping upside down in the Sacred Yards are gone from the HD version.
I am fairly certain those sector types/entities (or whatever they may be called) are missing from the Serious Editors for the HD versions as well.
I like shiny but I also like creative fun gimmicks too!
Then Play Serious Sam Revolution
#10 posted by anonymous user on 2016/08/05 07:58:05
Its superior and its made by a Brony