Short but sweet map, I recommend replaying on nightmare to anyone who breezed through on normal, there are skill settings and quite a few tight spots, even when you know how the level goes. Nice sparing use of the Quoth bestiary to mix variety into the standard line-up, and the monster jump in the spiral staircase room worked well several times.
I like the "solidness" to the structures like the ending bridge when viewed from the surrounding room, and the computers in there. They were chunky in a way that really suits Quake. The trap that others mentioned was neat too; it broke up the combat, was satisfying to "solve" by jumping from ledge to ledge and had a nice touch in how the blast shield was incorporated when it activated and in shutting it down. The actual end was a bit abrupt, not because the map was short so much as you didn't get to ride the elevator!
One technical note for Daya, I notice you've got a bunch of monster closets outside the map for monsters to teleport from. While there's nothing
wrong with that, Quoth offers a lower effort way to add teleporting monsters:
Oh, and while I have your attention Daya, can I check it's alright to package the map up and add it to the maps on