I Found Out Why My Map Doesn't Load Saves
#14 posted by
skacky on 2014/11/24 17:23:53
Don't use brackets in your worldspawn message keyvalue kids.

Great Stuff.
#15 posted by
Shambler on 2014/11/24 19:15:04
Really nice little jam.
Eric - nice map, good progression, quite easy but fun.
MFX - like the evil brother of Eric, some neat ideas but some horrible gameplay moments. The secrets were cool.
Scampie - very small but nice style, love the orange glow.
Skacky - brilliant, what great fun packed into one courtyard, love the hectic gameplay and all the details too.
Sock - great too, kinda like a scaled down Skacky with good detailing and hub-based combat. Great secrets.
Both those last two are good shorter maps in themselves, let alone in a 2 day jam.
Demos: (mostly second runs in the end lolz)

A Demo
#16 posted by
Mandel on 2014/11/24 20:34:53
Fun run, but my lack of route finding talent is well documented in several archives.

Enthusiast Map Maker
#19 posted by mmp on 2014/11/24 20:44:40
So what software would one need to use to make these maps? Is it specific to Quake?
#21 posted by
JneeraZ on 2014/11/24 21:06:11
mmp - Trenchbroom or Jackhammer. Anything else is uncivilized.

Such Comments Are Shite
#22 posted by
mfx on 2014/11/24 21:09:48
to be polite and civilized.
#25 posted by
skacky on 2014/11/24 22:05:12
I can give a fixed version of my map if anyone wants it though given its small size I doubt not being able to load a save is that much of a deal.
In the meantime I'm transforming my map into something bigger and meaner. You'll see it on December 18th hopefully.

#26 posted by
ericw on 2014/11/24 22:48:26
Pretty awesome pack, great work everyone!
my map - happy I finished something; in hindsight the gameplay is bland (lazy monster setups, etc) and the box rooms are pretty ugly. The theme turned into zendar instead of retro. It was fun mapping under time pressure, it felt like I was several times more efficient than usual.
mfx - great looking, especially the exterior, and impressive size! The sinking blocks trap was my favourite trap in the pack I think, and the crusher trap was pretty brutal ;)
scampie - fun & true to the theme, nice crusher trap.
skacky - crazy, felt like a full quality release. It was fun checking out your twitch stream now and then. I didn't know about the texture cloning feature in TB! (where you select a face and then click on other faces to paste the texture).
sock - proud I found 6/7 secrets! I love the visual signalling of the secrets, and how the buttons mounted near the ceiling break the convention of shootable secret buttons. awesome map, felt like a full quality release.

Skacky's Bug
#27 posted by mh on 2014/11/24 23:33:21
The QS guys might like to pick this one up.

Broken Link
#28 posted by Axebeard on 2014/11/25 01:29:08
That download link is broken.

Here's The File On Quaddicted
#29 posted by
ericw on 2014/11/25 01:35:38
#30 posted by
metlslime on 2014/11/25 01:53:16
added alternate link to news post

No Demos
#31 posted by scar3crow on 2014/11/25 04:35:16
Because I don't like it when people watch me do stuff. Or I forgot. Mostly that one.
Only played skacky's and sock's so far.
skacky - I completely missed that you spawn with the silver door behind you, so when I encountered a door with the silver key icon, I had a moment of "uh, why did this open for me?" I actually didn't notice the silver key door until the end. Opened a bit like The Ivory Tower. I did enjoy it, particularly the possibilities for in-fighting.
Good secrets, though I found the quad when I basically had nothing to use it on, and reached the RA once everything else was dead. Also I totally knew about the save/load issue and yet did it anyways, even though I typically don't bother with such... Silly me.
sock - I really liked the jump secrets that got me paying attention to all the trim and details in the map. Definitely easy to wander into a swarm of bounding boxes. Also, shambler, fiend, and vore around the same corner? Ouch. Couldn't muster the tiniest bit of in-fight out of them either.
Got rather annoyed at the crusher trap. On a reload I saw the crushing mechanism itself (and later found how to disable it) but as you had shown that bloody floor twice, for walls that shot only spike traps, I was going into it listening for spikes and looking for buttons - I thought you were building to something, rather than gating me. That final fiend spawn was brutal (only saw him, never heard him, as he was in the middle of a jump right on me - glad I had the lightning gun selected). Found 5/7 secrets, but I don't even know what else I would be missing. There are a few doors that say "Locked", but I've no clue what would be behind them, and the fact that all the monsters are dead gave me little incentive to find my way into those areas. I roamed the level 4 or 5 times after completing it looking to get those last two, but never spotted anything.
If I have a moment, I'll try to get to the others. I suspect I will need the fix build for mfx's however...
Oh and I forgot to say for both skacky and sock, those maps are beautiful, and an inspiration as to what can be done in such a short span of time.

Fixed Map
#32 posted by Yhe1 on 2014/11/25 05:08:41
Can Skacky upload a fixed version of his map?
#33 posted by anonymous user on 2014/11/25 10:21:04
I'll upload a fixed version in a few hours.

Congrats On The Release
#35 posted by
spy on 2014/11/25 14:58:18
great work guys and what a nice surprise
this could've been a one great chainmap
the only one map has been passable to me

After Aeons...
...I got back into Quake.
And, for a fresh start, I decided to upload
Real ones.
No trickery. No previous attempts.
Long story short, I just jumped right in and recorded demos. The outcome ranges from the pathetic to the hilarious.
Recorded in Quakespasm on a Mac.
Good maps. The ones I managed to get through, I mean... Will get back to the others later.
P.s. What's up with Quaketastic? Could not login for the life of me...

Pootling Around Zoom Zoom
#37 posted by
DaZ on 2014/11/26 01:12:01
hard skill demos
Ericw : cool swampy style. Needed more exploratory bits. Single secret was nice. Quite easy even on hard.
MFX : you are a fuck. This level again looks sexy as shit in mfx fashion but I wasn't a fan of the gameplay balanced on a razors edge like this. Some people enjoy this style but it's not for me!
Skacky : w00t! Cool level. Again sexy as fuck and has that skacky trademark vertical style. A few areas were a bit pant shitting cos you just keep on aggroing enemies wherever you go (check my epic demo, bow down to the lord of Quake). I knew where the silver key door was from skacky's stream but I could easily see people missing it at the start.
Scampie : nerf lava. Basic visuals but fun gameplay. Managed to sneak past the fiend at the start so get rekt m8.
Sock : Trademark Sock epicness! Great layout and secrets! Sock always creates the best visual language for his secrets. Very subtle but once you notice it you can find many more in the maps. Fun combat and I managed to get up onto the roof of the level without cheating :)
Overall a very cool pack and super impressive that it was all built in ~1 day.