Playing It Now...
#1 posted by The Happy Friar on 2013/05/03 03:52:07
I'm liking it, but some small things annoy me.
I liked DNF and I'm expecting I'll like this. Give it a try if you have Duke3D. :)
I Want To Try It
#2 posted by Tamarisk on 2013/05/13 20:51:05
Hmm, I only have an old Mac version of Duke 3D. I'll have to see if the data files will work on Windows.
#3 posted by Harmata on 2013/05/14 18:59:28
My only complaint is the presence of a driving stage. Motorcycle feels extremely good, scenery is pretty, but driving sections will be always out of place in shooter games. Fuck them, actually. They sucked in HL2, they suck here.
Outside from this and couple of bugs, great job people.
#4 posted by The Happy Friar on 2013/05/16 06:09:07
After playing through it I found some parts pretty annoying. Ammo and health were scarce and some things I had to learn by trial and error, there was no path to continue that I could tell.
Overall it wasn't any better then DNF (looks like some areas are designed right from that game) but it wasn't any worse.
Driving stage does kind of feel tacked on. Like the one from HL2 which did suck. :D
For some reason, part way through me playing the game tne engine would start hitching any time a full screen effect would happen. I restarted my machine, game, loaded old save, etc. So when I would be shot the game would hitch and my view would jump.
#5 posted by Badboy on 2013/05/25 15:52:51
sadly not many comments here. im no duke expert but it seems people liked it and the trailer was superb. 10.000 downloads over moddb!
its a good mod with details and humor. EDuke had good settings per default. me liked the drive passage. and i never drove a donkey before lol. i wish it had more backtracking.
#6 posted by
quakis on 2013/05/27 10:33:17
Here's my review for this mod for those interested;