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New Q1 SP: Clean Cut By Mfx
Here it is, a small base map made for the fun of it.

Screenshots: 1 2


Have fun, and comments are welcome!
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FTE won�t run either, it�s some rare old machine i�m running... 
that means you think it is good, right? 
The Review Is Ready 
gb: It works, sure. I meant it in the sense that it's an inconvenience for the demo recipients due to just another foreign protocol (and thus required engine to watch it with). But then, considering how many different protocols there already are, it's not really a different deal in this particular case.

hakkarin: The map is not broken, but there's one important bit of information missing from the readme and the news post: you need to set r_wateralpha 0.3 (water transparency) for this map - the grey surfaces are not missing textures, but fake windows. I agree it looks very wrong if they are opaque. 
you might want to update the wordfile and reupload for Spirit, and someone should probably mod the news post. Just to minimize issues for new quakers etc 
Thanks Hakkarin 
Nice review, haven�t been expecting this!
And thanks Negke for pointing that out, still I�m confused
how Than did those windows in APSP2.
Any idea? 
RMQ Engine 
Sorry for off topic!

I dig the RMQ engine for all the great stuff MH et al. have added to it, but it has one major flaw: It's no longer cross-platform. I have tried several times to re-replace the OpenGL function pointers and whatnot with SDL and portable code, but it never worked out (I forget what exactly the problem was though - possibly also my own stupidity).

If I had the time, I would love to merge RMQ's improvements back into QuakeSpasm. Well, Oz would probably kill me, so it would be a fork ;-). 
Same Way As You 
than only used Quoth to automatically set r_wateralpha to 0.25. 
Ah Yes, Thanks OTP!! 
And #56, i just uploaded a more accurate zip to Quaketastic,
Now called mfxsp8
What a mess! 
Small "review" 
Just finished the map, I tried it fast on easy skill, so no secret hunting or too much looking at the details.

For a start map it's very good, but for 2013 it's only a "decent" map, there's no way to compete with other top maps.

I liked the combination between base textures and rusty metal used for pipes and machines plus the small cavern areas, I am curently working on exactly that type of map.

Most of the areas were too small and the lack of texturing on some places is a huge problem, what's with that "grey texture"??

Silver key abuse didn't helped, I got lost for 3-4 minutes, but it was ok overall, finished in under 13 minutes, found on secret.

Keep on working on other maps, if you learn from your mistakes the next map might be a good Quake map. 
Screens Are Nice 
Look forward to shooting stuff in it. 
Still good. Really like all the details in this. I like the cramped style too, it works in this case.

Really good start to your mappage career mxf. 
Thanks a lot Shambler!

And btw, no i�m not associated with this website in any way. 
Nothing much to say!

Nice map, had lots of fun.

Thank you very much for your hard work...

First demo... 
Great Map 
Interconnections are good. I like the way you open up routes as you progress. If I had a complaint it's monster placement was predictable. A monster closet or teleport from behind the player not directly behind but close would have added some danger.

A wonderful base map.

Thanks for making it. 
Fun Map 
Next time put a little info about it in the news post though. Please. :) 
Nice Little Map 
Looks great! I liked the secrets (though perhaps they were a bit easy?) and the layout was pretty cool and interconnected.

I think you need to do a bit more testing though. It starts off pretty hard, but then about halfway through gets very easy. There was way too much ammo for the lightning gun and as a result, the end (quad damage too ffs) was insanely easy.

Also, I know I used the same textures in apsp2, so I can't really moan, but sometimes it was hard to tell where there was a door. I didn't really get lost at all though, except the first two silver key doors could have been a bit better marked.

The large room with the slime and crane in it was nice. You could have used that for a more interesting combat though. The vores seemed to go to waste where they were placed, so a vore or shambler in there might have livened things up a bit. 
About The Glass 
It seemed that you used the same technique to make glass as I used in apsp2. However, there was one point I heard a grenade splash in water, so perhaps you missed something?

I did it with water + func_wall covered in skip texture for collision, which doesn't anything past, but I just checked again and found that everything passes in mfxsp8.

You needn't use any special Quoth entities... just water and func_wall with skip. I did use a Quoth entity to set wateralpha on map load though.

You can also use waterskip and skip in combination to have glass that is underwater. I should make a tutorial for the wiki or something. 
Good map. Fun to play.
Low on ammo in the final part.
Skill 2 demo below: 
Fun Little Map 
I wish there were more maps made to utilize close quarters combat for q1sp. This one was fun and enjoyed it! I hope you are considering making more. 
Thank you for your feedback, glad you liked it for the most parts.
Have to admit, no beta-testing took place, it�s always bad for a mapper to play his/her stuff and let nobody else confirm it.

Won�t happen next time.

And yeah, that glass feature, i was only cliptexturing them for the player to get blocked, now i�m smarter, thanks for your advice.

And btw all of your maps are the shit, you really rock, and yes they inspired me a lot ;) 
Visit the screenshot forum, expect to see more! 
Nice Map 
its title says it all really, clean cut quake at its best. Some nifty designs too, although I got noticeable slowdown in the big open area with the moving crate thing. 
Got Round To It 
Played on nightmare (just because i refuse to ever accept that it's too hard for me).

Fought hard. Ultimately failed. Was a fun challenge. :) Nice map - shame about the missing walls. Other than that it really was rather pretty ;)

Some demos (a 1st run, a 3rd run a 8643898th run ;) 
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