Looks V.nice
#1 posted by
DaZ on 2010/08/06 13:49:04
I don't have quake 3 anymore however, but if I did I would download this and give it a whirl!
News Post Edited
#2 posted by
nitin on 2010/08/06 13:50:57
to link to non-thumbnail shots.
#3 posted by
Zwiffle on 2010/08/06 16:44:47
I'm not liking how those concrete curves are lining up on the left side in shot 3.
Other than that nit picking, the map looks really cool, and forces me to ask why we haven't updated Quake in a newer engine, because this would be an awesome map for Quake. But since it's Q3 ... :(
#4 posted by Barnak on 2010/08/08 04:37:14
This map is AWESOME !
Too bad it isn't a CTF map, and it can't be found on any server out there
#5 posted by
nitin on 2010/08/08 05:00:26
phantazm11 has a pretty nifty ctf map released too, not sure if you have seen it but its available on his homepage.
My Thoughts
#6 posted by
nitin on 2010/08/08 05:04:52
so far this is the best comp entry IMHO, lovely lovely brushwork and texturing and a killer layout.
#7 posted by gb on 2010/08/08 12:20:39
Other than that nit picking, the map looks really cool, and forces me to ask why we haven't updated Quake in a newer engine
Well, there is DP which can play Q3 maps and supports all kinds of fancy stuff, but mappers don't use it except for eyecandy. FTE can play Q3 maps, too, I'm pretty sure. The RMQ engine is outgrowing Fitzquake as we speak, and I heard something about DP extensions like pretty rain.
Apart from that, same reason why no one comes up with some creative gameplay (except negke sometimes and speeds, who is predictably gone), no one uses "new" features that have been available since the Nineties, players play dm3 all the time with pink textures on and minlight nazis are roaming the field?
The map looks really juicy, indeed. Good job.
#8 posted by gb on 2010/08/08 12:21:43
ok, add necros to the list.
#9 posted by
rj on 2010/08/08 12:37:09
and minlight nazis are roaming the field?
jesus give it a rest :/