Doom 64
#1 posted by
Just_Jim on 2010/02/18 06:25:04
Doom 64 -
The Absolution + Outcast + Redemption Denied
is absolutely amazing, this is the first time I have played it.
(you'll need at least DOOM2.WAD to play Doom64)
#2 posted by dooomer on 2010/02/19 15:24:16
I have dabbed Absolution before, but didn't give it a serious try. Maybe I should sit down and try it again.
On forum Kaiser posted his own PC port of Doom64, which is called "Doom64 EX" and is different from Absolution and requires a N64 rom of Doom64. Maybe you haven't tried it, as I didn't see it posted on your website.
Kaiser's post is here:
Kaiser's Post
#3 posted by
Just_Jim on 2010/02/21 18:11:29
Thanks for the Link. I uploaded a download mirror "" and put up a link to the Forum. I have some other ADs by Kaiser configured for gzDoom which I will upload. I have been a fan of his Work for a long time. Thanks again, I am always on the look out for great user-made Adventures!
#4 posted by Just_Jim on 2015/10/27 17:42:57
#5 posted by
Lunaran on 2015/10/27 23:31:29
Doom 64 -
The Absolution + Outcast + Redemption Denied
is absolutely amazing
what does this sentence mean?
#6 posted by Killes on 2015/10/31 15:21:35
I think that would be a wad combo :D