#1 posted by ijed on 2009/03/25 21:31:32
Looks like it'd be fun for DM. Did you rip the characters directly from DN?
It's mostly SP here though - not sure where DM mapping is centered, try QuakeOne or good 'ol Google.
#2 posted by necros on 2009/03/25 22:31:46
was there a 3d duke game that those monsters are ripped from? if those are original, they're very good!
#3 posted by bondo on 2009/03/25 23:49:55
yeah they're ripped from the Duke Nukem High Res Project: http://hrp.duke4.net. I agree they're great
There Was
#4 posted by ijed on 2009/03/26 01:10:29
A console 3d game.
I Guess He Didn't Read The License
#5 posted by megaman on 2009/03/26 20:34:32
3. Any likenesses, characters, sounds, phrases or references specific to
Duke Nukem, 3D Realms Entertainment, or Apogee Software Ltd. appear in this
Work courtesy of 3D Realms Entertainment and are the exclusive property of
3D Realms Entertainment, and are provided only to be used with a legally
acquired copy of Duke Nukem 3D. You may not alter, transform, build upon or
adapt any portion of this Work specifically related to or derived from the
Duke Nukem intellectual property, including likenesses, characters, sounds,
phrases or references for any purpose other than use with a legally acquired
copy of Duke Nukem 3D.
Or do i understand that wrong?
On The Other Hand
#6 posted by megaman on 2009/03/26 20:36:21
from their FAQ:
Can I use the HRP textures and models in my map/mod/game?
The HRP is released under GPL which means that you are free to use them in your mod/game/map as long as it is also released under GPL. You may however not make Duke Nukem 3D remakes or remakes of other games using them. 3D Realms does not allow this and probably never will. The only reason the HRP is allowed is because it is an addon to the original game and requiers the user to own the original game to work.
I don't get it. Is it legal to use the content in other games?
If You Want To Get Legal
#7 posted by necros on 2009/03/26 21:01:05
i'd say it's pretty clear. you aren't allowed to do it.
the HRP is an addon for duke3d and requires duke3d files to run at all.
this mod brings duke3d models in a game that does not require the user to have purchased duke3d and so it is not allowed.
in fact, both the duke3d license agreement and the FAQ for the HRP are in agreement.
3. Any likenesses, characters, sounds, phrases or references specific to Duke Nukem, 3D Realms Entertainment, or Apogee Software Ltd. appear in this Work courtesy of 3D Realms Entertainment and are the exclusive property of 3D Realms Entertainment, and are provided only to be used with a legally acquired copy of Duke Nukem 3D. You may not alter, transform, build upon or adapt any portion of this Work specifically related to or derived from the Duke Nukem intellectual property, including likenesses, characters, sounds, phrases or references for any purpose other than use with a legally acquired copy of Duke Nukem 3D.
The HRP is released under GPL which means that you are free to use them in your mod/game/map as long as it is also released under GPL. You may however not make Duke Nukem 3D remakes or remakes of other games using them. 3D Realms does not allow this and probably never will. The only reason the HRP is allowed is because it is an addon to the original game and requires the user to own the original game to work.
#8 posted by metlslime on 2009/03/26 22:16:11
seems like the GPL is inappropriate here; if the content is derived from copyrighted 3DRealms content, then only 3DRealms could license it under the GPL, and if they did, it would be free to use anywhere. And if they didn't, then the HRP creators don't own the content and can't themselves license it under GPL.
On the other hand, if the HRP people created it from scratch and released it under GPL, then 3DRealms doesn't have any copyright claims in the matter. They might have claims to trademarks such as the name and characters, but I'm not sure how strong those claims are against a free mod (I guess similar claims were strong enough for Fox to shut down the Aliens TC)
Yeh I Was Confused Too
#9 posted by meTch on 2009/03/27 01:31:25
but its still supah awwwwsome, more so with the new go-kart and robot armor
and it is a coop for me, just add bots to help [and kill them with out discretion when one kill you with a nuke >:O]
Licensing Issues
#10 posted by Plagman on 2009/03/27 09:20:16
Hi guys,
The HRP FAQ is outdated. Recent versions of the HRP are no longer released under the GPL but under a license called the "HRP License", which clearly states you can't use the assets outside the Duke3D world. The first versions were indeed released under the GPL, but it was eventually decided that this wasn't possible due to the 3D Realms intellectual property involved.
#11 posted by Parkar on 2009/03/27 10:48:38
I am the founder of the HRP project.
Sorry about the confusion with the outdated FAQ. We will be updating it asap.
As Plagman stated HRP content may only be used with Duke 3D.
Using individual textures or models with permission from the specific author is ok but you would have to hunt down the person of each specific texture. And obviously any 3D Realms trademark still applies.
#12 posted by Trinca on 2009/03/27 11:11:07
the mod looks fun, some nice conversions of others games monsters... maps are weardo... but i think is a nice mod.
if you dont have the permissions you should get then.
#13 posted by nonentity on 2009/03/27 12:20:42
Using individual textures or models with permission from the specific author is ok but you would have to hunt down the person of each specific texture
Yes. Yes you would. That's how it legally works. You can't just plead laziness as a valid excuse for not following correct procedure.
Oh, and the model of the Robocop badguy is still the IP of Fox (and we all know their attitude to IP abuse ;)
But nice attempt to get your friends to support your point, shame they're completely ineffective...
#14 posted by megaman on 2009/03/28 01:22:56
They're pretty much agreeing that the use in quake isn't legal.
#15 posted by metlslime on 2009/03/28 01:33:51
yeah WTF nonentity, seems like posts #10 and #11 are first of all, accurate, and second of all, not trying to defend anyone elses' bad practices.
#16 posted by NightFright on 2009/03/28 14:57:35
Guys, just delete this illegal stuff, and you are in the green.
#17 posted by nonentity on 2009/03/28 17:44:33
Yeh, I realised this shortly after posting.
My bad. Really shouldn't respond to skim read posts when half asleep...
#18 posted by RickyT33 on 2009/03/28 17:52:57
Shame really
I bet the gameplay would be pretty smart if someone actually made any kind of half-assed map for this mod!
Duke-Nukem monsters are fucking cool, and these ones look to have been pretty well ported.
If Anything
#19 posted by necros on 2009/03/28 18:09:20
i feel like replaying duke3d now. :P