#1 posted by T_Creutzenberg on 2008/09/20 16:13:38
..::LvL is always a great place to visit. I just wanted to say thank you for keeping this institution going.
Btw, are the recent download a selcetion of recently downloaded levels or is it really the most recently downloaded? If so, f**king hell, how many downloads do you still have per day?
#2 posted by T_Creutzenberg on 2008/09/20 16:14:42
Oh, the previous post is addressed at Tigger-oN, of course!
Mr. Creutzenberg
#3 posted by
Sielwolf on 2008/09/20 21:59:45
please make more Doom3 maps. Thanks.
Tigger-oN: nice update, gotta reinstall Q3 sometimes...since several months, used to be the first game on a new windows install.
The Downloads
#4 posted by Tigger-oN on 2008/09/21 03:21:38
The 'Recent downloads' is a list of the most recent downloads :] Basically, as a download link is established, the list is updated. So, it is as close to a 'real time' list of downloads as you can get.
#5 posted by anonymous user on 2008/09/21 14:32:49
please make more Doom3 maps. Thanks.
I'm sorry, I don't think I will. But I'm working on a Q3A map at the moment ;)
@Tigger-oN: Thanks for the info!