#1 posted by
Spirit on 2007/11/20 09:50:56
Please release it properly with a textfile (dspdm6.txt) in a zip (
I liked the look and feel of the betas and hope I will play this map some day.
#2 posted by
Trinca on 2007/11/20 20:04:57
nice map my friend, i must kick you ass in a server! :)
why so many pics? zomggg :)
#3 posted by
Shambler on 2007/11/21 00:12:58
I really like how the teleporter beneath the quad works (in agquake at least).
I Like
#4 posted by preeop on 2007/11/21 07:49:24
how this got shoved out the door without considering any of the comments offered by m'self during your last beta.
#5 posted by
JPL on 2007/11/21 09:03:03
Tested with bots yesterday evening: it is a cool map. No particular issue, consistent and strong architecture, nice texture choice (what is this texture set BTW ?) and good lightning effect..
Now you should try SP map ;)
Keep it up !
#6 posted by
xDeadLy on 2007/11/21 18:28:16
Hehe, thanks for test the map friends. A job good valuated is a happy work :D
Spirit, the zip file is necessary and the .txt? i put always as .bsp for do a easy work for the server admins.
Trinca thanks master ;)
JPL hm, deadmeat.wad ^^
The Big Slab Of Meat Didn't Give You Any Clues? :)
#7 posted by
Fern on 2007/11/21 20:55:31
#8 posted by Nookadum on 2007/11/24 22:07:09
I really like the look of those textures. Nice job! :)
What's wrong with it? I can't seem to find anything that might need improvement. (Or I haven't looked hard enough.)
#9 posted by
xDeadLy on 2007/11/25 11:57:57
I neither not found anything wrong, for this reason the map has been released ! ;)
#10 posted by Jaromir83 on 2008/01/12 11:39:53
hi, how about playing quake 1 over internet? I use non-gl joequake engine+hamachi (v1.0.1.5) program to connect directly with other players. lets play! my icq 259 689 233, email