#1 posted by
Trinca on 2006/10/21 06:22:59
thks Tronyn u rockzzzzz if anyone need a account to fileplanet u�re free to use mine
user : trinca@mail.pt
Pass : trinca
Ye Olde Generic One
username: qmap@qmap
password: qmap
#3 posted by
necros on 2006/10/21 11:35:48
thanks nitin, i was reading the stuff on tronyn's site, but it's like a wall of text, and i kind of lost interest (sorry tronyn!)
#4 posted by
DaZ on 2006/10/21 12:16:10
#5 posted by
necros on 2006/10/21 13:23:36
lol, what a tease-- new maps and only tiny sshots! :P
#6 posted by
nitin on 2006/10/21 18:19:25
could you get that to work?
I tried that before posting here and iti didnt work for me.
#7 posted by
nitin on 2006/10/21 18:21:09
I thought some people might think the same, so I did the summary :)
Nice Big Update
#8 posted by
Sielwolf on 2006/10/23 04:54:15
and even some new maps to play, great stuff Tronyn and AguirRe.
Also I can�t wait to play that map with over 600 enemies.
#9 posted by Boelfo on 2006/10/25 19:51:30
tronyn has turned emo on us
#10 posted by Tronyn on 2006/10/25 21:09:43
appreciate the comment.
The internet is so much gayer and whinier now than 5 years ago.
Good Stuff
#11 posted by ijed on 2006/11/06 17:39:56
just playing through night journey now, got my eye on the others to keep the quake going. terracotta terror had a couple of minor niggles but was fun and a nice design.
good work!
(it was always whiney)(and gay)
#12 posted by
PuLSaR on 2006/11/22 15:55:36
your new e-mail that you mentioned on the site doesn't work. How can I contact with you now?
I sent you an e-mail to your old address. Anyway, try to contact with me.