#1 posted by golden_boy on 2006/09/01 12:02:47
I personally hate the rail gun (I'm usually its victim), but the map looks nice and clean, like an arena should.
I could imagine a few computer terminals or crates (only one or two) to make it feel more like a "place", if anything. Or flashing alert panels. You get the idea.
HB NOL M�nbolmk
#2 posted by anonymous user on 2006/09/02 03:16:56
k �jm�k�il�hk�
#3 posted by fffffffffffffff on 2006/09/12 11:25:51
I Agree With Emrullazbhns .lno� Myself
#4 posted by scar3crow on 2006/09/18 15:47:46
havent dled the map but I cant help but notice how much it looks like a simple UT map, the type of thing I would have made back in the day just messing around with Ued... Though it could be very fun, the railgun is uniquely satisfying and frustrating as a weapon.