#1 posted by
R.P.G. on 2005/09/13 09:38:04
Thanks for keeping the site alive. It's great to have a common place for Q3 maps to make themselves known; furthermore, having such a great archival resource is wonderful.
#2 posted by
Trinca on 2005/09/14 01:21:23
;) i dont play Q3 but i always like to see new maps,maby with q3 source out the Quake1,2 and 3 maby could be fused in one client!!!
#3 posted by
HeadThump on 2005/09/14 12:55:16
can use QC, Q2 dlls, and Q3 QVMs for interperting game code, as well, it handles the different model and bsp media from the three Quakes. So your wish is already granted.
#4 posted by
Trinca on 2005/09/15 00:39:30
I know fte is very nice but not perfect iet in th other games...just Q1