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New Q1SP: "Antediluvian" By Metlslime
Here's a little Q1SP treat to start your holiday weekend off right. Antediluvian is a Q1SP with a rusty, damp "Wind Tunnels" theme. It was originally started in 2001, but only this year did I finally pick it back up and finish it.

Download: (1609k)

I've also released the .map source for this level under GPL. You can download that here: (353k)
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Mike Woodham did it work know? 
No, not yet. But I use Download Accelerator and the usual by-pass (ALT key) doesn't seem to work.

Ah, but 'alf a mo'. What are these formats: .qwd and mvd?

Slight pause...
... OK, I disabled browser integration for DAP and have now downloaded the files.

So, how do I view them in FitzQuake? 
you can�t i guess...:) is for fuhquake, zquake or ezquake ;) i just use Fitzquake for mods that dont run in fuhquake 
Fuhquake Bleh 
playing sp levels in fuhquake is bleh, at least for semi-purist like me. Fuhquake is a qw-client which allows you to play single player in a qw-world. I.e. you get qw-physics which differ from regular quake physics (there are probably other differences as well).
Speedrunning wise, which is where I'm coming from, it's a no-no since you can perform tricks and do jumps not possible in regular quake.
Of course, you do whatever you like, but I think maps designed for regular quake should be played in regular quake, but hey, maybe that's just me. 
qw physics have easier bunny and some other things so they are not "right" for the sp maps, I agree.

In z/fuh/ez the mouse and fps and whatnot refresh rates etc are smooth and good and there is the possibility of weapon scripts and pickup finetuning etc, something all of which is a bit different, harder or impossible to make or configure in fitzquake, so it is often easier for qw players to just run their normal qw client with the inbuilt zquake server and spprogs.dat. (Just typing deathmatch 0 and map ant etc...)
I don't know if the bunny there could be made sp-proper. Probably to at least some degree, if you can motivate the qw client guys. Of course the qw bunny option should also be kept for practice purposes on localhost. Maybe bind it to deathmatch 0/1. 
Can't Explain... 
but the Windtunnels were my favorite map, and this one came pretty close to it. Made me forget everything, like playing Quake 9 years ago.

Thanks for challenge, Metlslime! 
u wright lodis :) but is fun becouse i�m use to that config... 
Got it. Watched it. Enjoyed it. 
;) was at work in small screen and software :)
vid_height "240"
vid_width "320"

:) at home just play dm online wend i got time for it... that is very few :( 
It crashes me in GLquake?? 
Uh Oh... 
i only tested in winquake :P 
well i just tried loading it in GLQuake, and it worked fine. So you'll have to be more specific about when it crashes, and what the error message is. 
Ok, I was getting a "greater then free hunk" crash and found that I needed to give more memory to GLquake.... It's because I'm also running a big mod.... (FvF, in Quest mode, which makes the monsters a LOT harder, heh, and is designed for coop play - - I might run this on the server sometime if I get some players to download it).

Using "-heapsize 32000" on my command line makes it work. 
Nice map. Bits were a little unfair on skill 2 (I thought it was still customary to at least give the player something to hide behind or some place to go when fighting shamblers and vores).

It's interesting to think how many new episodes of Quake the people on this board have produced. Terra alone could have shipped with the fucking game. So could this, and so many other maps.

There's a nice idea - take a half dozen or so of the best single standalone SP maps, rebalance the monsters/items so they can be played in sequence, and make an episode out of them. Starting, of course, with one of Biff's idbase maps. 
Bits were a little unfair on skill 2 (I thought it was still customary to at least give the player something to hide behind or some place to go when fighting shamblers and vores).

Regarding this, I was actually trying to introduce some new challenges for what I assume are exremely seasoned players. I think if you're playing on hard it's fair to give you a few situations that are uncomfortable.

Fighting a shambler in a room full of pillars is something most of us can do in our sleep. A shambler in a room with no cover forces you to work a little harder, but there's still the fairly well-known technique of running forward to trigger his melee attack, and backing up before it can hit you, repeat as needed. If you know how to do that, figure it's a reasonable next step to force you to deal with two shamblers in a bare room -- you do the close/far trick on shambler A, while keeping him on the line-of-sight between you and shambler B.

As for that vore, this is a little tougher, but since it's a skippable battle, i figure it's okay. The way i deal with vores when there's no cover is to get as close as possible and unload grenades as fast as possible -- this should give you at most one voreball to deal with. Another, trickier trick is to not kill the ogre, drop down onto the bridge, and then use the ogre to block the voreballs.

There's a nice idea - take a half dozen or so of the best single standalone SP maps, rebalance the monsters/items so they can be played in sequence, and make an episode out of them. Starting, of course, with one of Biff's idbase maps.

Yes, the "id replacements" episode idea is attractive to me. If we can get a collection of levels that have consistent build quality and are fairly reminiscent of one of the original episodes, it would be pretty cool. With the GPL-map-file trend increasing, it wouldn't be too hard for one person to actually collect the appropriate maps and remix them into a gameplay-tuned episode.

This is probably one of those projects that people talk about but never happens. 
and when it happens, mostly it's a lunid newby
who realizes he better start mapping with some more adequat knowhow from the people on this board. 
I especially liked the vore combat in the hub room on Normal; getting the scrags to annoy the vore while circling around the room.

And the dual shambler square dance you mention is also fun as long as you're reasonably stacked beforehand. 
Re #65. 
yep, the two shambler at once combat was a good idea IMO. 
As far as I can tell, there aren't too many shortcuts to be had from this level. The main speedups to be had are by getting good exits from the various wind tunnels. I managed a 3:19, but someone else managed a 3:11 and I don't think I can beat it. I don't even think that it's possible in below 3 minutes.

That said, it's still a very good level. 
Sorry For Double Posting 
But I thought that the peeps here would like a revised version of the map that can be found at

Oh, and some1 managed to get 2:14 by doing a double grenade jump. 
Revised in what way? 
Mike Woodham 
He means "watervised"... We've watervised all the maps in the SDA archive. a) maps look better that way b) it's easier to speedrun when you can actually see into the water :-)

You can download all of the maps except for a few of the newest ones we haven't added yet in one big pack:

Here's a link to all the maps we currently have in our archive: 
revised... re-vised... :)

Anyway yeah, I agree that the speedrunning potential is unfortuately not great. I'll check out the runs, though. 
that 2:14 demo is pretty nice. The only other shortcut I can think of at the moment is a grenade jump off of a fiend to land up on the wall that encloses the shambler. This way you can just kill the shambler without fighting the fiends. 
very good solid wap with a strong oldskool feeling and well balanced gameplay. Found 3 secrets, they were good. Lighting was awesome.

We need rubicon2! 
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