#1 posted by
Lunaran on 2005/06/06 14:50:00
how does one make maps for this doohickey?
#2 posted by
inertia on 2005/06/06 17:36:26
"it's already on a few servers so it's worth downloading."
this has nothing to do with quality, only popularity (for more illustrations, please see Britney Spears, George Bush's reelection, and dm4)
#4 posted by
Kell on 2005/06/06 17:40:39
I think he just means it's worth having so you can connect to servers that run it.
#6 posted by
Zwiffle on 2005/06/06 21:35:55
BTW - I've had a lot of problems connecting to servers for Nexuiz - mainly ping. The lowest pinged servers are like 80, but run like shit.
Is this normal or is there a setting to lower this or what?
Most nexuiz servers suck, you really have to try to find a good one.
Nexuiz uses quake 3 bsp, so you can use anything that would make maps for quake 3.
Good Map
#9 posted by Shamino on 2005/06/07 20:22:47
I played the map. Good layout.
Hope you make more.