#1 posted by
nonentity on 2003/02/22 09:46:05
Possibly saying which episodes/maps are reviewed within the news post in future...
scarily, thats just the start, its probably gonna get much bigger as i add in more monsters, references and details.
I may have to split the page up at some point.
I seem to have unleashed my very own "monster" ;)
Good Job Uwfan
#4 posted by
Vodka on 2003/02/24 22:38:02
you may also add more thechnical info regarding quake and its enteties
#5 posted by
necros on 2003/02/25 19:59:23
technical info would be cool.
i did like all the references to other non-game stuff. nice little tidbits of info and misc coolness.
Technical Stuff
i have added some technical stuff, have a look.
Any other suggestions for what could be included in these technical details, apart from what i have added?
Tech Details
#7 posted by
Kinn on 2003/02/28 05:36:33
You could add all manner of stuff, such as attack damages, "gib health", movement speed, time between attacks, fiend jumping physics, bbox size etc...
Good work so far.
#8 posted by
distrans on 2003/02/28 19:58:47
It just depends on whether this Bestiary is a mappers resource or a players resource.