Gone Home Is For Sjws Like Kinn
#9888 posted by anonymous user on 2017/04/20 09:10:53
#9890 posted by
[Kona] on 2017/04/20 11:34:00
I mean if the sister was up in the attic dead, and it became some sort of suicide awareness message, it might have meant more imo.
Kinn Is So Gay And Stupid...
#9891 posted by anonymous user on 2017/04/20 12:33:49
...that he went into politics because he heard that's the way to get a "mandate"
#9892 posted by
skacky on 2017/04/20 12:52:42
The only good thing about Gone Home is the story, and even then it's not that good.
Surge Looks Pants
They should have added gunplay.
#9894 posted by
negke on 2017/04/22 13:22:59
Their last game was Lords of the Fallen. I enjoyed it. Felt solid enough, although too short/not enough world to explore while at the same time providing a ton of different gear in short succession. Almost like they ran ran out of time designing the world and just dropped all the player content in.
Bit of a DS-flavored snack.
No idea about The Surge. The setting does indeed look fairly boring, but then again, I only ever saw material from the starting area. Will probably give it a try at some point.
#9895 posted by
[Kona] on 2017/04/24 10:50:03
It is ridiculous how many Assassin's Creed games there are. They're alongside COD and the many annual sports titles as the cheapest cashcows in gaming. I've played 1, 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, 3, Liberation. They should have wrapped the series up with the end of Desmond. Now they're just spewing them out every year and they don't even have any kind of main story arc, at least with the next one I've played: Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.
It is the best so far though. Lots of sailing around, although I did get a bit sick of that and the shitty handling of your ship. Way too many "follow without getting caught" and "eavesdrop" missions. I'd be happy if they just did away with those completely. Needed a bit more exploring (I know it's an open world with lots of things to do, but none were proper side quests). I miss some of the times you'd go "dungeon crawling" in the earlier games.
But it was a nice change of pace to have a proper open world and the ship stuff. Good story again (as always), just a shame the main thing with the ancients is not relevant anymore but perhaps they'll figure out how to continue the main story arc in the next lot of games. I've still got the next 3 games to get through. More of the same I'm sure. Then they skipped a year and the next one based in Egypt might be out by end of year.
The two DLC's were nice as well. One was only 40 minutes, the other about 3 hours.
The Surge
#9896 posted by
[Kona] on 2017/04/24 10:55:34
You can't have a sci-fi game without guns. It would just be weird if it was all melee. I'll definitely play it though. If the developers are big fans of Dark Souls, then it stands to reason that the things they liked about DS would be the same as everyone else, so they would have replicated those in their game. It's due out next month.
Non-HDR Graphics
#9897 posted by
megaman on 2017/04/24 12:44:46
Am I the only one who can't stand graphics without proper, readjusting tone-mapping? It's awesome if the whole screen is below 30% brightness and you can't see shit. Bah.
(The Surge is a good example)
Is That To Infect Our Computers With Cordyceps?
#9899 posted by
Kinn on 2017/04/25 15:11:52
#9900 posted by
Kinn on 2017/04/25 19:59:06
gotta love the non-sequiturs that happen when one replies to a spam post that later gets deleted :}
#9901 posted by
skacky on 2017/04/25 20:39:02
It looks like I'm insulting poor path0gen in the Quake Champions thread because of or thanks to that.
Preface It With #postnumber?
#9902 posted by
Shambler on 2017/04/25 21:30:16
#9903 posted by
Kinn on 2017/04/25 22:27:15
It looks like I'm insulting poor path0gen in the Quake Champions thread because of or thanks to that.
I just checked, and lolled heartily.
Phoenix Point
#9904 posted by
DaZ on 2017/04/25 23:17:17
Julian Gollop is making a new turn based strategy / tactics game called Phoenix Point and the crowdfunding (hold yer groan) is here :
The ideas sound cool, and it really looks like the grand strategy layer will be pretty complex with not only aliens to worry about but all the different human factions as well. Yes please sir.
With The Crowd Funding
#9905 posted by
DaZ on 2017/04/25 23:18:20
They can probably afford to buy some lights for their office.
#9909 posted by
Shambler on 2017/04/26 12:51:41
That page and the new info / shots is a good call, bromide.
#9910 posted by
topher on 2017/04/26 15:34:04
#9911 posted by
Rick on 2017/04/26 18:24:45
"free The Witcher: Enhanced Edition"
Thanks for the info. Got my copy this morning.
I already had it on Steam, but Steam gives me an icky feeling.
#9912 posted by Killes on 2017/04/26 18:39:12
Free whatever the fuck you already bought once @torrent and friends.