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New Q1SP: Gravey Trail By Madfox
Rinie 'Madfox' Brouwers makes his Quake mapping debut with Gravey Trail, a single player level that also functions in deathmatch mode. He describes it as a "medieval Castle, inspired by e2m4 Ebon Fortress."

So far the map is only available from fileplanet as a 637k .rar file:

(thanks aguirRe)
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And It's Not Mergefaces 
that you should check for, it's visleafs and visportals. Furthermore, it's not even the sheer amount of them, it's their relationship.

In the end it's how many faces in the map that are visible to each other; the more the worse. 
-fish(vis)- In The Sea Of Eternity 
I just use the old vis-programs, because the new ones left me with an error either much before this one would do. So I can't see at what moment the vising proces occurs to be.

The only things I can relate, is the bsp-construction, which tends to...

6217 mergeaces
1918 portalleafs
5896 numportals

I think it rather strange, because I had maps,
which even had a greater account, and were much faster partionned. 
Those Numbers 
are not so high but as I said, it's the relationship beween them that matters. 16+ hours on an Athlon (1 GHz?) system seems a bit much, though.

If you wish, you could send me the zipped map+wad files (no bsps please, I'll rebuild it myself) and I'll take a look at it. 
Thanks for your attention.
My computer holds Athlon 1300Mhz.
I changed some things in it, but it still won't work within this time limit.
Maybe it has to do with some trees I tried in it.

Great for your offer, but where do I send them?
Could be you don't want to publish your emailadress. 
Trees, Eh? 
well, they'd certainly make more trouble... all the sticky outy bits are hard on vis. he's very sensitive to trees. 
MadFox, Look In The People Section 
of the forum, you'll find my email address there. Just de-obfuscate it first ... 
Ob Fuse What? 
Found your Homepage, but my Broken English can't make an obfuscate-able sense with it.

I must sureley make a stupid impression... 
Just Take My 
email address in the People section (never mind my site now) and replace the " -at- " part with a "@" and the " -dot- " part with a "." and you're done. Think about how email addresses normally look like and I think you'll get the picture.

This is a common practice to prevent Internet robots/spiders from harvesting email addresses from web pages.

Obfuscate means to confuse or make obscure/difficult to understand. I seem to have succeeded somewhat ... 
MadFox, Check Your Email ... 
you did. It is more that my internet know-how is rather small. 
End Level 
I am constructing a startmap for two sequences. After then, so only 2 sigils, I would like to let appear a door in it.This door should not be vissible before the two sequels are played.
Has it something to do with the func_bossgate, and if so, does it work like a door or a train? 
Not Quite 
The brush entity used is func_episodegate, which only appears when the player has the specified runes in his possession.

This entity either appears at map start, or not. It doesn't move and cannot be triggered inside the level.

Because of this, I'd recommend rethinking your design. Try making the func_episodegate a bridge across an uncrossable obstacle (e.g. wide pit,) or maybe a flight of stairs up to the door.

Basically, the player will be able to see the door, but won't be able to reach it unless he's played both sequels. 
But Somehow 
I used allready func_episodegate to seal off the corridors which lead to the sequences.
What I mean is the thing like in Quake1, when you finished the four episodes.
Then there is suddenly a big gap, with a round stairway downstairs.
I wondered which polyhedron suddenly dissapears
when finishing the four marvellous adventures. 
Left Me Runed 
func_bossgate indeed.., thanks Shambler. 
If you're only using two sigils, then you're gonna have trouble triggering func_bossgate. Use fatty's suggestion, and as you can name more than one brush with the same name you should be able to construct a two part bridge that forms peicemeal as you finish each of the episodes. Remember to leave a gap in the middle though, such that l33t bunny-hoppers can't cross the divide with only one of the spans up. GJs and RJs shouldn't be a problem as arriving at player start two automatically strips the player back to scratch.

God I hope that made sense, it's benn a long day. 
As the Runes are a "Carve of Holy Coincidence",
it is better to use them wisely. They are not captured for a low fee.
It is easier to use the func_episodegate, when only two Runes are set.

But going on this dreathfull path of Quake tracing, it now gives me the strength to split
all the levels up to four sequences.
I know it must sound medieval, but if the Genius gives me Strength, it will help me accomplish this bewildert Task of the Lonley Soul, who creates a new Mission Pack for this tremendous Game.

And maybe then, after consider the Ancient Runes, will let me use the func_bossgate in the right way. 
Well, You Could Quietly Give The Two Other Runes 
to the player on a map while he doesn't notice... 
Unencripted Signs... 
Necros, you should know that it was MirrorMan you were authorizing, not quietly bring out your own excellent maps!

But if you really want to know...
I got a bad-ass feeling that giving the Runes in an other way than by maps, it riddicules the account in-game, just like it did with the original Play!

And Saruman would grin at me, just like I know he would, to all that game-over players in Quake1, trying to reach the func_bossgate! 
Sleeping Zombie 
Is it possible to collaps a zombie.mdl?
So when creating a tomb it lies on the ground in stead of standing?

I've been trying, but it seems one has to rebuild the model, which of course is a lot of work. 
Been there, done that. i recall reading a site more than a year ago that talked about some "un-documented" flags for entities (specificly monsters and weapons) try adding an "angles (note the s at the end) to the crucified zombie (in the format of x y z) to get him to lay down.

Anyone here remember who linked that info? I wanted to say fat controller but I just looked at his site and got nothing. 
you should probably post these questions in the mapping help section as I came across your post by accident 
Fat Controller is indeed correct; you must have been looking in the wrong drop-down :P

Starting zombies prostrate is not possible without QC/blah. The only way to do it is to have the zombies waiting on silent func_doors, concealed beneath a func_illusionary in the form of a fresh grave or whatever and anoter func_door moving sideways like a hatch. See: e1m3 or e4m3 or Zerstorer.

And yes, Madfox: it's probably better if you stop posting in this thread and use Mapping Help instead
on second thoughts, yeah the 'angles' thing might w3rk; can't say i've ever tried it...and I ain't gonna now. 
there is a way!

but it's convluted!
it involves hijacking the func_illusion function. you must make the func_illusionary into a point entity and set the frame # and model name. the below example would make a dead player with the face down. (frame #60)

classname "func_illusionary"
frame "60"
model "progs/player.mdl"

you need to open the zombie.qc and find out it's dead frame and simply put those into the entity. 
qc file:
let the zombies start laying down and rise when the player get near. 
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