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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Rubicon Is Awesome 

don�t you think? 
Like The Fog 
looks like it should be in a scifi movie such as Alien 
On The Topic Of Rubicon 
Thank you! 
perhaps it'll be of some use for one of the current rubicon mappers...

and while we're talking rubicon,

A chainmap between me and Lardarse/Pineapple. A lot of it doesn't really look good in screenshots, which is why it isn't pictured. There's a silver key door and a bottomless lift shaft, and the rest is silence.

I remember pineapple built a very cool 24-sided spiral out of brushes for this. 
You Should Get With Vigil 
he's been half-assed working on a Rubicon chainmap as well which I sent him a couple half-assed rooms for 
It's rubicon fever!?

I've got a bsp2 map + mod that's maybe a month from completion.

A handful of new monsters and a few new features like Pineapple's entity randomiser.

I even considered trying to form a cabal at one point to make a rubicon map pack but didn't think anyone would want in.

Mfx / Gb / Pineapple / Vigil - what do you say?

Once more unto the breach? 
I have i pretty cool start map by now (screenshot), left over from speedmapping attempt:)
Dunno if i�m encouraged enough to make another tech/industrial map. 
Can Be The Start Map 
What about you as well? 
Hell Yeah 
Rubicon map pack; count me in. I need someone to collab with on this map though, more specifically a person that roughly blocks out the rest of the map, taking a few ideas into account. I'll take it from there then. 
Forgot To Mention 
This map probably also needs BSP2, so I suggest we pick an engine that can do it (both variants, since I'm gonna use the 2PSB toolchain) and ship the pack with that. FTE / Darkplaces? 
I'm using two engines, Spike's modified Quakespasm and one made by Tyrann. I can send those out Monday.

You'll be happy to know I'm working in Trenchbroom as well, so no problems with map formats. 
Content Owner Not Bla Blah 
Fuck apple!

...but the hardware works at least....

Most of the time 
your censorship is different from mine? Modern times! 
awesome a rubicon episode just like that! 
I guess negke is now in charge of the level bits that vigil and I worked on (he was given them today on irc at the least)

I'm not going to do anything more myself, sorry, got other projects I want to work on 
Depending When Its Required 
I might be able to contribute a gussied up version of one or two of my JF2 themed speedmaps... Maybe if I merged them all together... When would you guys actually get around to doing this? 
Thanks for the feedback guys. It wasn't received to well so I'm going to rework this.

JPL: In GTKRadiant it's jsut a matter of clicking shift + S and selecting natural.

It's Quake 3 btw.

I love those Rubicon shots guys. Very inspirational. 
My one needs about a month more - we can make a cutoff point around whatever people's projects are.

I'm AFK until Monday, once I'm back I'll send out the Dropbox link with the modded content to the interested parties.

Negke, you in? 
Look Like It's Contagious! 
Some shots from a map I are working on for 1 month or two.

Don't know if I want to change all the entities, thats a lot of work. I'm using Quoth atm.
Anyway I think this will be a BSP2 map as well.

But good luck with your projects!

Go to: 
Hell yeah! 
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