Is It A Quark Option?
#9864 posted by madfox on 2010/05/21 20:35:54
I thought it no question as I found no texturelock in Quark6.5
(I might be wrong?).
Also there is no compromise between the two mods, as the first is a project of compagnionship and the other a one man thing.
@roblot- here's a figure. It's a sideway underwater in amount/r2b2.
There are a few demo's on modBcom :
Nehahra Too...
#9865 posted by roblot on 2010/05/21 22:29:36
Gotta play some more of it sometime also. Must be gaming mood or something. But Travail is much better, and is almost as good as what I'm doing... Ha!
If texture-lock is on and you copy the brush just above the tunnel, then move it to the right, you'll have mis-matched texture tiling as seen in photo(unless that seem falls on the 128 grid). With texture-lock off, your terrain will tile seemless. Unless you want a staggard tile look for a reason.
I know almost nothing about Quark but you say you got alfa? At Quaddicted I've seen beta4 or something. Also, you might have multiple installs of Quark or upgrades that conflict in the configs of the programs? Try complete uninstall, including registry items in Windows(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SOFTWARE folder), maybe.
What's Better ?
#9866 posted by Ron on 2010/05/22 12:02:34
when you make a room out of a cube, to make it hollow outwards (-) or inwards (+) ?
I would think outwards would be better because the inside of your cube would be lined to the grid. (?)
Repent Sinner, Repent !!
#9867 posted by JPL on 2010/05/22 12:15:51
Never use hollow maker: this is blasphemy !!!
Why Not ?
#9868 posted by Ron on 2010/05/22 12:38:06
Really, I've always used it ...
When You Build A Box..
#9869 posted by rj on 2010/05/22 12:53:25
..with the amount of clipping you then have to do to 'open it up', you're probably no better off than had you laid it down brush by brush
i only use hollow for misc entity boxes out in the void (teleporting monsters, spikeshooters etc)
There Are Good Reasons....
#9870 posted by JPL on 2010/05/22 14:20:10
... not to use Hollow makers: check #1461 and after.... since this time I never used again Hollow maker, believe me: it is safer !!!
Blasphemy !! Heresy !! You'll all burn in Hell !!
#9871 posted by JneeraZ on 2010/05/22 16:08:16
Guys, he said he was hollowing out a cube. If you're using an editor that can't successfully hollow out an axis aligned cube, it's time to find a new editor.
#9872 posted by rj on 2010/05/22 16:27:30
Guys, he said he was hollowing out a cube. If you're using an editor that can't successfully hollow out an axis aligned cube, it's time to find a new editor.
i'm not sure how you deduced that from what i wrote?
ron: to answer your question, if you hollow inwards (at least in WC) it should still align to the grid as it goes by the thickness of the walls, so it makes little difference. but it's generally better practice to construct rooms brush-by-brush in most cases, partly because it gives you more control but mainly because it helps discourage the old boxroom-corridor-boxroom syndrome :P ..although it is still useful for throwing testmaps together and the likes
#9873 posted by JneeraZ on 2010/05/22 17:13:08
I don't see how you figured I was replying specifically to you.
#9874 posted by rj on 2010/05/22 18:08:11
because it was only JPL and me who responded to the question, and 'guys' clearly indicates a plural?
#9875 posted by JPL on 2010/05/22 18:27:30's generally better practice to construct rooms brush-by-brush in most cases, partly because it gives you more control but mainly because it helps discourage the old boxroom-corridor-boxroom syndrome :P
I fully concur with you ! Thqt is exactely the point... hats-off...
#9876 posted by Spirit on 2010/05/22 19:18:39
Willem would have sent you a mail if the reply was for you only. Don't be so selfish and egocentric.
Ok, enough. :-P
#9877 posted by JneeraZ on 2010/05/22 19:45:23
"because it was only JPL and me who responded to the question, and 'guys' clearly indicates a plural?"
Mindless Pedantry Or A Point To Be Taken?
#9878 posted by rj on 2010/05/22 19:53:02
you decide.
But Back On The Subject Of Mapping Help..
#9879 posted by rj on 2010/05/22 23:51:12
..does anyone have any insight into why all switchable lights would fail when compiling a full map? they work fine when compiling each section individually (it's split into about 6-7 'areas' in the form of visgroups) but can only display at full brightness when the whole thing is done, whether the 'start off' spawnflag is on or off. no errors in the light log or anything..
it's a bit of a limitbusting map if that counts for anything, breaks just about all of them...
#9880 posted by necros on 2010/05/23 00:10:23
have you checked if you're getting any 'too many lightstyles' errors?
also, i've accidentally ticked the 'not in xskill' box on a light and not have it toggle because it wasn't present in that particular skill level.
if it's 'limit busting', it's possible you have run out of lightstyles.
you get 64 total light styles, the first 10 (not including 0) are for flickering lights, and the compilers only assign 32-64 (or 32-63?). so in actuality, you only get 32 light styles; 32 seperate switchable lights. i'm not sure if light.exe will collapse multiple lights with the same targetname into the same lightstyle or not, although it should otherwise even stock quake maps would have 'too many lightstyles' errors.
#9881 posted by pjw on 2010/05/23 03:58:54
Some editors will, when "hollow" is used on a cube to create a square room, make a nice square room of six brushes...but the brushes will all still stretch to the extents of the original cube, and will overlap.
Will a decent compiler usually clean this up and toss out the overlapping bits? Yes, usually, but it will still be messy in the editor, and potentially confusing.
Nothing wrong with hollow as long as you do any necessary clean up the result afterward.
#9882 posted by pjw on 2010/05/23 04:00:01
"on" the result, rather...
Thanks For All The Replies
#9883 posted by Ron on 2010/05/23 09:33:08
What I usually do (in Worldcraft) is
- make a cube the size of your room to be.
- make it hollow outwards
- ungroup the thing,so your left with 6 brushes
- copy and paste (special, to same location) a brush 4 times and then shape them to fit a door in, 1 for the door, 1 for the left of the door, and for the right and one for above the door.
It does work that way.
I don't know if it's smart or handy though.
The thing with mapping is that you basically have to learn how to do it yourself.
The tutorials only show you the basics.
I still find it very difficult to find efficient ways to achieve things.
That's why I love this website ... ;)
#9884 posted by roblot on 2010/05/23 15:47:08
You know that combat music in Star Trek when Captain Kirk is battling a Klingon in the arena (with pick axe, spear, and shovel), well that music was playing in my head a few posts up.
I was thinking, HollowMaker sounds like an excellent stand-alone program that could work this way. First you make a cube in any of the editors available. Next, export the cube. Now, import the cube into HollowMaker. It has just 1 button, Hollow_out ! Now export and import into your favorite map editor. Voila ! So easy, and you'll want to do it over and over again.
I feel so hollow... Hey wait! HollowMaker hollowed out my brain.
Where is it?
It's in Quark? But I use BSP...
Spock, help get my brain back! next map title...
Sounds Like You Need UEd
#9885 posted by rj on 2010/05/23 16:23:26
#9886 posted by rj on 2010/05/23 17:08:38
have you checked if you're getting any 'too many lightstyles' errors?
hrm, i compiled again to check, and this time it worked okay.. bizarre.
it is something where just because it works correctly one time it doesn't mean it will work all the time? or can i assume that it either compiled correctly or it didn't?
#9887 posted by necros on 2010/05/23 20:02:35
did you run a -onlyents? remember to run a -onlyents on both bsp and (aguire's) light to reconnect lightstyles with the entities.
-onlyents on bsp breaks that connection (probably cause it can change the order of entities).
#9888 posted by rj on 2010/05/23 21:10:11
that would be the problem :)
didn't realise there was an onlyents light option.. thanks. will have to add it to your compiler gui 8)