Trying To Get Into Deus Ex 4 Aka Mankind Divided.
Wanted to have a cool futuristic vibe to immerse myself in. Hmmm. Doesn't help that it's not very immersive so far. All the cyber-aspects and conspiracy-doodahs are so generic, cliched and try-hard it makes me cringe rather than be captivated. And once again Jensen is the dullest, most wooden, tedious and utterly unengaging protagonist ever to spoil a PC game. I wouldn't mind if he was a personality-free blank slate so you could imagine him being more like you.....but he has anti-personality, an embarrassingly obviously designed-by-committee cut-and-paste "edgy" "gruff" "slick but gritty" collection of utter dullness that sucks all life out of any interactions like a grey hole.
Also it has the worst ambient occlusion since Far Cry 3, the black fudge around objects is so bad it looks inadvertantly cel-shaded, then again it looks bland and flat with the AO off. Why not have a bloody setting for it??
Ugh. The stuff in strong lighting looks okay although people's faces are more HL2 era than DX4.
It's also rather clunky in the way it plays. Mantling recentres the camera so abruptly you get whiplash, and the game loves throwing you into 3rd person for anything it damn well wants, or into a hudless lock screen - completely with screen blacking out before and after - for any relevant chit chat. Smoothly in control it is NOT.
Still....will keep trying. The Prague city seems okay so far.