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A Belated Happy New Year To You All... 
...necros, organisation for the 10 year anniversary Quake Expo started shortly after QExpo 2005 finished. 
Or Not So Shortly... but either way the idea is out there, and help is needed to get it organised. 
So, Who's Mapping At The Moment? 
anyone? I'm bored... 
i stand corrected :) 
There's No Way To 
make cd tracks play off a dvd is there ? I'm trying to back games to dvd since they're less prone to unfixable scratches but quite a few games have data and cd music (HL, quake, q2 etc). 
Rip complete images (data+audio) of the game cds, and burn all those onto a dvd, then just use daemon tools or some such software to play them. =) 
I'm at work, and there is nothing to do. It is so boring. I would like to do some mapping...

If there was no one here I would do it :)

I'm interested which company Trinca works for. He can play quake at work. 
Keep Up Than... 
I'm mapping. Got hung up with some sculpture for a new map, which gave me a perpendicular vertices, leak problems, and finally good effort. Ha, now the texture part. 
Stupid Double 
you know, i get the feeling you'd feel more at home in a modelling program than making maps. that's just me though 
Ok, I'm in Thailand now and have made a short and unintersting update over at my new site:

I plan to update that page very now and then will put up photos when I get the opportunity, many would probably fit well as inspirational material (lots of temples and stuff). 
Glad you made it there safely, bear. I'll be looking forward to your pics. 
You'll Be Looking Forward To His Piss? 
Oh no wait I'm not wearing contacts today 
*sigh* Thought This Year Was Gonna Be Better 
Blitz that's gay man. Had I any knowledge on the subject I would help of course, but I totally sympathize. That's some bull shit man. :( 
What Has Happened? 
The site seems to be down. I'd forgotten all about MapCore actually. 
I entered the thread totally expecting some good drama, but all I found was a mapping problem I really can't help with. So, sorry Blitz. 
Updated Quake Models For D3 Engine Quake Remix

some better than others but not bad attempts. Obviously skins will make or break. 
Tarbaby: sure
Wizard: head isn't loyal
Enforcer: meh
Dog: yay
Ogre: interesting but not overall fat/ugly
Hellknight: sure
Demon: yay
Shalrath: meh
Shambler: yay x 10
Fish: yay
Soldier: meh 
I Love The Fiend... 
looks perfect!

others are varying amounts of meh.

legs on the vore are fucked up but otherwise alright.
scragg's head looks moronic and shambler isn't covered in fur (although i can understand the reason for that last one, but it has to result of looking more just like a d3 hellknight but slightly different. the skin for this will be very important on whether it will look like a hellknight dropped at birth or a shambler...)

honestly, i have no idea why they posted the animation of the ogre's walk frames... they are terrible and look wooden. plus his upper body is moving way too much...
same with the soldier's run animation. less wooden, but it looks like he's working out on a treadmill and not chasing after the player trying to rip his lungs out. 
I like the shambler, but where are his claws? One of the shamblers main characteristics is the huge bloodied claws he has.

The fish is pretty good, and the fiend looks decent. The others I am not so sure about.

The ogre looks reasonable, but really needs a more Quakey outfit and his GL and chainsaw to really look like the ogre.

The dog doesn't look scary, and the enforcer and soldier (Quakeguy or grunt?) are a bit sucky. They could have pretty much modelled the Quakeguy and modelled in the detail on his texture and he would have looked awesome - same for the enforcer. They also need the zombified look they have in Quake.

I agree about the wizards head - doesn't look like a scrag at all :( 
Yeah generally variable amounts of meh.

As always with these things, the quality of the modelling is great, but the faithfullness to what makes Quake monsters Quakey is often lacking. I don't understand why, it's not hard to start Quake, find some monsters, and have a think about their distinctive characteristics.

I like the fish though. 
All below here is about the "'faithful' to Quake: yes or no?" from me.

soldier: Uhm... Y M C A! Looks gay. Even Monkeyrat's looks better (his weapon models are great even not 'faithful'.)...
fish: The first one looks ok. But that is maybe the most easy model.
shambler: Looks way too skinny and not evil enough. The head looks bad and I agree with than about the claws.
shalrath: Way too insectoid. And the legs bend(?) into the wrong direction! Also it lost all his female looks, the face, the arms...
fiend: pretty good, but I don't like the huge horns and the "face".
hellknight: Did anyone say Diablo? Looks absolutely too "good".
ogre: Totally wrong. He is too tall and not fat enough.
dog: Looks like a real rottweiler = good :)
enforcer: wtf?
wizard: A weird mix of human face and elements from 'the' Alien. Not too bad, but not faithful at all in my opinion. The original wizard has some "bird-like" appereance in it's face (I can't explain that really good... Maybe you know what I mean.)
tarbaby: So who but silicone on his joystick?

The animations just look awful. 
I like the fish and the demon. The shambler is OK but needs claws, and his head I think should be less of a head).

The tech guys (grunt, enforcer) look terrible, they could be placed in any FPS, they don't resemble the originals at all.

Ogre is the one I hate the most. It doesn't resemble the ogre at all.

Tarbaby doesn't have the kind-of-face element that makes the original interesting and is rather just a blob; scrag is decent model (as it basically copies the original exactly but with more detail; actually it probably should be been "ported" less and "interpreted" more)- BUT they fucked up the face, as they did with the vore.

hell knight looks good though not like the original (place this model in any RPG, sure), plus his arm lengths seem very odd indeed.

Rest is meh.

Did anyone check out the map screenshots?




for chrissakes, F!

The classic Doom3 mod (which tries to convert original Doom1 maps to Doom3) seems to have run into a similar problem. You cannot just reuse high-resolution textures with some doom3 shininess and port the original quake/doom maps exactly because IT WILL LOOK LIKE SHIT

I know I have bitched about some of the modelling being unfaithful to the art style/lame/generic, and it's not like I don't appreciate these people trying. However, I think any mod of this type should try to emulate the mood/style/atmosphere of the original (yes, and the level layouts, but add more details where appropriate), and not either a) port directly or b) make up some shit that has nothing to do with the original and say that it does.

ok, thats already far too much ranting 
I've been contemplating+sketching a high-poly shambler for literally years. I guess I'm just going to have to take the plunge, upgrade my machine, get a copy of Max and do this myself.

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