#9581 posted by
PRITCHARD on 2016/11/18 23:04:09
I've owned kf2 for a long time now, but I gave up playing it because it sucked at that point (crappy netcode especially if I remember correctly). Might have to give it another go now that it's out...
Killing Floor Is Nothing Like Left 4 Dead Though
#9582 posted by
skacky on 2016/11/18 23:10:14
No It's About As Far Away As The Coop Zombie FPS Genre As Possible.
#9583 posted by
Shambler on 2016/11/18 23:45:21
#9584 posted by
skacky on 2016/11/19 00:00:19
L4D is a coop game with zombies following a linear path from the start to the end of a map, with the occasional siege from zombies.
Killing Floor is a coop game with zombies in which you have to survive a number of waves on an open, interconnected map.
They're not the same.
No Shit.
#9585 posted by
Shambler on 2016/11/19 11:35:53
But possibly, reading the first few word of each sentence, there are a few small similarities at least. Dickbutt.
Short OT Question
#9586 posted by
Mugwump on 2016/11/19 12:23:51
Let me tell you about Jesus
How do you type these striked out words?
A DOOM Tribute
#9588 posted by primal (nli) on 2016/11/21 10:01:09
It's apparently a "very short parody game," but even if you don't care to play it at all, you should watch the trailer in the article. The 2D sprite versions of iconic Doom monsters, objects and textures are pretty well done.
That Looks Fun!
#9589 posted by
starbuck on 2016/11/21 11:29:23
cute monsters. Nice little project.
They need to get a new trailer with someone less awful playing though, painful to watch!
Space Hulk.
#9590 posted by
Shambler on 2016/11/21 11:34:05
Looked a bit meh at first but got a lot more appealling throughout.
The voice acting is spectacularly terrible. I hope there's an option to disable that. Melee combat also looks rubbish. Everything else looks good. I like the psychic powers and the quick spin-up on the assault cannon. The gameplay was a bit unspectacular apart from the 'stealers crawling down the pillar, that was cool. Still hyped tho.
Space Hulk
#9591 posted by
starbuck on 2016/11/21 11:36:02
amazing how far we come, i remember the original.... visuals were doom quality. Now i'm watching this super high poly reboot and i'm not even impressed. Art quality isn't high, and voice acting is unintentionally hilarious:
"I am the angel of death" says the terminator, voiced by Gareth from a call center in Slough.
Hah Starbuck
#9593 posted by
Shambler on 2016/11/21 13:33:21
"voiced by Gareth from a call center in Slough. "
Fucking LOL!
The Trailer
Definitely gave me some preorder regrets... Let's hope it's ok
Not Me.
#9595 posted by
Shambler on 2016/11/21 14:11:34
The melee always looked incomprehensible....and I surprisingly really liked the corridor bit at the end.
#9596 posted by
Mugwump on 2016/11/21 14:26:32
...is akin to willingly shoot yourself in the foot.
A DOOM Tribute - MiniDOOM
#9597 posted by
Rick on 2016/11/21 17:32:32
That looks really good!
#9598 posted by
Kinn on 2016/11/21 17:45:05
The problem with that 2d doom tribute thingy is that on the one hand they have put all that effort into nice crunchy pixel art, but then they contradict it with all that blurry glowy stuff on the missiles and explosions. It's a bit of a schoolboy error :/
#9599 posted by
Mugwump on 2016/11/22 01:04:19
Speaking of Space Hulk, I've just stumbled inadvertently on this pretty awesome cosplay:
Another GOG Sale Incl. STALKER
#9600 posted by primal (nli) on 2016/11/22 13:09:47
The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games on Gog.com are on sale at 60% off. The sale lasts for five more days with plenty of other offers too.
#9601 posted by WE LOVE WOLVES on 2016/11/24 16:00:55
#9602 posted by
Kinn on 2016/11/24 16:32:16
From those pics, the level-of-detail of the assets is all over the bloody place. Not sure why one would make the floor (the part of the level consistently closest to the player) have the lowest res texture in the game....
#9603 posted by
starbuck on 2016/11/24 22:05:57
Don't know what you mean Kinn....
This game seems like a joke thats not really hitting its mark. Looks like you don't know what to satirise so have gone for everything and nothing. The 80s effect and voiceover on the trailer help it have a tiny bit of character but then the gameplay and the screenshots look fuckin gash mountain
#9604 posted by
starbuck on 2016/11/24 22:07:25
also are you using that combination of fonts just to piss off graphic designers because it's working