Rise Of The Tomb Raider.
#9528 posted by Shambler on 2016/10/26 00:06:08
Played very little of it, seems like more of the same which is fine by me.....but goddamutherfucka it looks so good. Snow and ice effects jeez.
Rise Of The Tomb Raider
#9529 posted by Rick on 2016/10/26 03:17:44
I liked Tomb Raider 2013 a lot. If not for Denuvo, I'd have bought this one by now.
#9530 posted by mjb on 2016/10/26 04:34:29
Great game, a more polished and fine tuned of the reboot. I had loads of fun exploring all of the places and great cinematic work...you'll enjoy yourself!
Crysis On Sale At GOG
#9531 posted by Rick on 2016/10/28 19:42:14
$7.99 No DRM
A lot of others that look interesting also. Did anybody play Saboteur?
Oh, and coincidentally, Blood: One Unit Whole Blood $2.39
Got me a nice full cart.
Rise Of The Tomb Raider
I really like that game and its predecessor, too. It's the perfect balance of action and puzzle / platforming. It could be a bit more challenging (not the combat, but the puzzles), but they nailed the exploration part.
Kingpin: Life Of Crime
#9533 posted by damage_inc on 2016/10/29 13:48:43
I remember always having been a fan of the atmosphere in Kingpin. NOT the thug element per se, but more the level design, ambient sounds and especially the lighting. So...
I found a copy in my Linux distro that I must have been playing around with in Wine and, I transferred it to my Win7 partition and found myself once again back in Poisonville!!! OFC only after editing the configs, patching the game officially, no-cd check and resolution corrections.
WOW, what horrible game AI we had to suffer back then :( The choices they made for weapons and enemy AI seriously sucked bawwws!
I know I'm not the best playa but damn, wtf give me a silencer IF... once I shoot EVERYONE comes to me! OR... the grenade, almost totally USELESS!
The second I pull the trigger to stealthily "lob" a grenade, I'm out of sight btw, the AI comes to me thus making the grenade use useless also. AND, it doesn't go off if it hits them(I get this)! BUT, they also know to dodge it even further if I shoot it at them again!!!
I won't even talk about the that stupid ass flamethrower :(
/rant over
I found a MOD(Rags 2 Riches) on MODDB but once I installed it, due to its having a new gamex86.dll, it made my save incompatible.
I'm gonna finish it stock and then maybe later try that, as it is supposed to "correct" some of the AI and gameplay woes.
At least I still enjoy the atmosphere :)
#9535 posted by Rick on 2016/10/29 16:22:59
I haven't played Kingpin yet. I bought a strategy/economic simulator game at the same time called Anno 1503 that kept me occupied for over a week. Yesterday I bought Crysis because it was cheap, so of course was up till 2 am.
#9536 posted by damage_inc on 2016/10/29 18:09:20
A few months back I wanted Crysis bad, but after reading about it I was put off. The DRM, optimizations etc.
This looks awesome(GOG version for 7.99) but I have limited internet right now :(
How is it? Hold up well for it's age?
#9537 posted by Rick on 2016/10/29 21:05:37
"How is it? Hold up well for it's age? "
It kept me up till 2 am last night and it was the first thing I did this morning. Just played 5 hours nonstop and finally took a break.
No DRM or other nonsense, just install and run. I had Internet disconnected at the time and it didn't complain. It's already patched to v1.21, comes with everything. Settings are to maximum, it runs smooth and looks really nice (8GB Core i5-3570 GTX 550 Ti).
Very rarely there's a split second pause, I guess when it loads something off disk, but I put it on a spinner, not on one of my SSDs, so I can't really complain.
I was happy to see there's no checkpoint only system like FarCry. It has proper saves as a PC game should with a quicksave hotkey.
Crysis On GOG
#9538 posted by primal (nli) on 2016/10/30 11:10:27
Here is a gentle reminder to people on the fence. The GOG release discount of 60% lasts until "November 3, 12:59 PM UTC."
So, if $8 vs. $20 makes a difference, you still have a few days to think about if it's worth either of those to you.
#9539 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/10/30 12:31:21
I already own something like three copies of Crysis 1... Something tells me like buying it again, even if it is from a great site like GoG, is a bit much...
But that DRM-free goodness...
It's telling to the game's quality that I'm even considering it. Such a shame the sequels weren't anywhere near it in terms of gameplay.
#9540 posted by Rick on 2016/10/30 18:51:59
I'm farther into the game and it's not so good. Reminds me of FarCry, but worse.
An entire mission of wandering around in zero gravity with little idea of what to do or where to go. Everything it accomplished as far as story could have been done in 5 minutes.
A horrible flying mission in a vtol with such poor control response that it had me convinced my keyboard had stopped working. Then it locked up just as I finally completed it. Five times in a row.
After that, I get to an aircraft carrier. There's a ridiculous bullet sponge boss spider thing that I believe is the absolute worst, most tedious thing to kill I've ever seen in a game. And now the game locks up like one out of every three times when loading saves.
Oh, and there's a wonderful game mechanic where if you get hit by the spider thing's freeze ray, you have to sit there frozen for 45-60 seconds before the game starts the reload process.
One more thing, the game frequently forgets you have a missile launcher. You can't switch to it until you find another one and it tells you that you already have one. Only then you can switch to it.
This morning a third of my playing time has been spent using up ammo, a third frozen, and a third restarting the game.
I know the actual end is near, so I may just call it over at this point.
#9541 posted by Shambler on 2016/10/30 19:44:37
Was great. Good focus on gameplay mechanics, as well as looking great. Can't remember any of those issues, Rick??
Oh No!
#9542 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/10/30 23:36:44
Rick found the second half of the game :(
My advice for a good time with Crysis is to only play the first few levels. Try out some mods, etc.
Just don't play anything involving aliens!
#9543 posted by Rick on 2016/10/31 03:17:13
I did say it reminded me of FarCry. The good thing is, just as with FarCry, the first part alone is well worth the price.
To be fair, the missions on the island probably took me 20 hrs or more, considering the exploring and such, while the parts I didn't like probably count for less than a hour or so. That is, if I could play the final missions without dying/freezing/restarting.
The game was great right up until killing the KPA General, after that it was all downhill.
#9544 posted by Killes on 2016/10/31 09:12:29
#9539 @Pritchard
Really ?
You don't think you are maybe simply entitled to go and download a torrent of the GOG release instead no ?After buying the game let alone once, but three times ?
It should of been DRM shite free from the start, you are damn well fucking entitled to a DRM free version for free ffs.
A bit OT but it just boggles my mind.
#9545 posted by PRITCHARD on 2016/10/31 15:40:03
Yeah, I'm entitled to a warez copy I guess :p I just didn't really want to say it because I wasn't sure how people felt about piracy on this site.
In any case, I've got enough on my plate with other games right now that although it was momentarily tempting, I can't be bothered to actually go out and download it for myself.
#9546 posted by Rick on 2016/10/31 15:46:15
How could you be certain such a copy of the game hadn't been tampered with. It could contain malware, ransomeware, etc. No way I'd take a risk like that for just a few bucks.
On the other hand, once a publisher releases a DRM free version of a game that once had it, they should be required to allow those who purchased the earlier version a DRM free upgrade.
#9547 posted by DaZ on 2016/10/31 22:19:23
#9548 posted by Shambler on 2016/10/31 22:41:23
I Am Hyped For Routine
Shambler, you should watch some of the trailers. There's quite a lot more variety in the level design than shown in the vid above.
For example this trailer from 3 years ago (3 years... jesus!!)
#9550 posted by DaZ on 2016/10/31 23:42:28
Mick Gordon doing the sound (and I assume music)
#9551 posted by Killes on 2016/11/01 07:59:24
Rick ...there is community review of the warez packages for this stuff and enough tools to detect any too. Its not a valid reason, my malware free pc is the living proof.
You are completely right about the free DRM free update though.
Titanfall 2
#9552 posted by DaZ on 2016/11/01 12:15:54
So I took a chance on this after seeing very positive reviews and hearing about the fantastic campaign and...it's true!
The campaign, while short (5 hours? 6 if you explore and collect shit) is fucking fantastic. There is way more love poured into this than anyone really expected I think. Every mission has a new mechanic or game play style thrown at you and the variation keeps everything feeling fantastic and avoids becoming stale.
I didn't play Titanfall 1 beyond the demo or trial that they did, so I cannot really say what is new or added to the multiplayer but I'm having a blast regardless. I'm super picky about what shooters I play online these days because 90% of them end in me yelling obscenities at my monitor and uninstalling the game pretty quickly, but TF2 avoids this.
It has some great game modes such as Bounty Hunt where you get cash for killing enemy ai and players and then have to deposit it at banks when they become active. It's a great mode with a fantastic ebb and flow where you frantically get kills to amass cash and then carefully deposit it while trying not to get killed (die and you lose 50% of your cash).
I suppose I'm still in the honeymoon period with the MP as I've only played 6 hours or so of it but I'm really enjoying it. A nice bonus is that there is no season pass or paid dlc, free updates forever :D
So yeah, shits good yo