#9498 posted by killpixel on 2016/09/26 22:18:32
I doubt HRP is included, which is fine by me :]
#9499 posted by Mugwump on 2016/09/27 04:17:36
It's not unusual for enhanced editions to use community content, some modders have even worked on the games. I'm just wondering what they did to Duke to have those specs.
Yeah, Weird
#9500 posted by killpixel on 2016/09/27 05:18:45
The specs are pretty high...
On a possibly related note: Does AO and bloom really make the gfx more palatable? They did this with strife, too. I find it strange.
#9501 posted by Killes on 2016/09/27 07:17:01
"On a possibly related note: Does AO and bloom really make the gfx more palatable?"
Au contraire. Bad taste.
#9502 posted by Mugwump on 2016/09/27 09:28:06
I don't generally like bloom. It has to be VERY subtle.
Solus Project.
#9504 posted by Shambler on 2016/10/02 17:12:34
Any of you buttes played this?? Alien world walking sim. Gameplay and controls are pretty functional, the survival aspects are fine. The weather and stuff is pretty. But the rocks - which make up a lot of scenery - are kinda arse-ugly (haven't really evolved past Unreal 1) and the alien mythology is utterly uninteresting. Still it's enough to keep playing...
Okay Shit Just Got Surreal.
#9505 posted by Shambler on 2016/10/02 23:40:23
* Shambler slaps cardo around a bit with a large trout
<Shambler> cardo
<Shambler> okay
<Shambler> i will give solus project something
<Shambler> that cloud......thing is well fucking cool
<cardo> hehe
<cardo> very Lost
<cardo> that was the thinking behind a lot of inspiration in the game
* Shambler slaps cardo around a bit with a large trout
<Shambler> okay
<Shambler> the fucking DOLLS
* Shambler brb - mopping up a chairful of piss
<Shambler> jesus shitburgers
<cardo> they just want to be loved
<Shambler> waaaaaaahhhhtttt
I Have Solus
#9506 posted by Scragbait on 2016/10/03 00:42:38
I got lured in by the Steam store vids and put it on the wishlist and got it fairly cheap. I was drawn to the sense of lonely abandonment on a distant world. Same reason I bought Lonely Planet - hermity space walker with a melencholic story.
I have played a bit of Solus - seems not quite as pretty as the vids made it seem but I'm not far into it. Really liked the tornado effect - very suitably huge and scary. Being a bit too obsessed with exploring everywhere, I found the rock jumping and getting soaked and cold trying to find secrets and journals a bit frustrating but my impatience and compulsion is part of that problem.
Not all progression is intuitive but I did make some progress. A big prop for this game is that Hourances seems to have a big role in its design and he did fabulous level design work for some of the best SP Unreal Tournament projects - his work is beautiful and very atmospheric.
I have been sidetracked onto other games for now but I plan to return to Solus. Maybe I should just focus on progression and survival and get to the end and then do a completionist effort on a second playthough instead of pouting in the wet and giving up because my calories are used up.
Quoted For Truth.
#9507 posted by Shambler on 2016/10/03 11:05:06
not quite as pretty as the vids made it seem but I'm not far into it. Really liked the tornado effect - very suitably huge and scary. Being a bit too obsessed with exploring everywhere, I found the rock jumping and getting soaked and cold trying to find secrets and journals a bit frustrating
Maybe I should just focus on progression and survival and get to the end
Yup. How I've been feeling about it. There has been enough cool stuff to keep going tho. I think it's better just to progress rather than trying to jump behind every sodding hexagonal rock.
I think a big issue is that it is, IMO, not quite stunning nor intriguing enough for a walking simulator. Compared to, say, playing through Dark Souls 3 which had enough truly amazing scenes and a gripping overall atmosphere. It's good, and some of the effects are great, but I think games without combat need to have pretty strong hooks (another example being SOMA which had a strong atmosphere, great sound design, and a fairly captivating setting/story).
Still, worth a look I think. Some pretty good Quake mapping inspiration later on (3 key temple map jam anyone?)
Space Hulk Deathwing
I sure fucking hope that Shambler, DaZ and the rest of you sons o' bitches are getting on this game -
Need my fix since you all stopped playing Vermintide!
Looks Nice!
#9509 posted by khreathor on 2016/10/03 23:59:44
I'm currently playing Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine. Good game.
Unfortunately I never played "board" version of the Space Hulk.
#9510 posted by Shambler on 2016/10/04 10:30:56
I'm gonna be on that like I was on Negke's mum for 2 hours the other night.
Does look fucking spot on as a Space Hulk L4D2 FPS.... Combat looks confusing as fuck but apart from that. Some really cool environments in that video too....nice variety and spectacle given you're on Hulks.
Please have a Cyclone launcher too....:D
Waiting For Reviews
#9511 posted by DaZ on 2016/10/04 13:08:54
while it looks cool enough I'm just not convinced yet.
The game can't even hold 60fps in the official promotional trailer. That worries me quite a bit about performance, for starters!
So yeah, step up pre-order guinea pigs!
#9512 posted by negke on 2016/10/04 13:40:09
Except your virility probably won't last long, so after the four missions you'll call it finished and uninstall.
Yeah Yeah.
#9513 posted by Shambler on 2016/10/04 15:44:03
Vermintide was hard tho. Hard as my cock when, well, you know Nekgette Snr and all that. I completed it, got 25 hours, that's enough. Maybe Space Hulk Sperminator will be more of the same, maybe it will be gentler like L4D2, we shall see.
Daz, I didn't hold 60 FPS in a lot of Doom4 and it still ran fine overall. Chugging at 45 in places, whatever. But yeah no pre-orders tho.
#9514 posted by Killes on 2016/10/05 08:56:55
Space Hulk Deathwing going to be another L4D like ?
Bleh, why not a proper SP FPS campaign ?
Bleh, It Always Was A Squad-based Game.
#9515 posted by Shambler on 2016/10/05 09:06:21
#9516 posted by Killes on 2016/10/05 09:52:14
Squad is fine, its coop, fine.
Mix in some class based stuff, sure why not ?
A long time ago I played "squad" like coop in Doom and Quake1/2 by voluntarily redistributing ammo amongs players so one has all the instahit ranged ammo, other has explosives etc. Took some fucking around with binds/mods etc but it worked. Silly geeky RP Coop stuff basically, I get the point of it.
But why the mob system ? The eternal artificial generated mobs ai director thing is what irks me, it always feels wrong to me, since the first L4D up to Vermintide etc.
#9517 posted by Shambler on 2016/10/06 23:09:42
4A Games Vr Title
#9518 posted by DaZ on 2016/10/06 23:34:52
I mean, it looks cool, but it ain't Metro 2034 :D
#9519 posted by Shambler on 2016/10/06 23:36:29
Styx 2....
Styx was decent but a bit repetitive, this looks a worthy enough sequel for sure - more options, crisper graphics, cool scenery.
#9520 posted by DaZ on 2016/10/06 23:37:00
Looks interesting. Decent otherworldly vibe.
Let's say for a second that Quake got the DOOM 2016 treatment. I could imagine the visuals and otherworldly atmosphere of that place fitting very nicely into a re-imagined E4 themed area.
Dzz Yeah.
#9521 posted by Shambler on 2016/10/06 23:38:05
Trailer has a metro-esque vibe before combat starts. But fuck VR only.