#9485 posted by Mike Woodham on 2010/02/25 19:40:51
...select Textures from the drop down menu
#9486 posted by JneeraZ on 2010/02/25 19:56:26
Really? Hell yes! That will be great, thanks for the info!
But no love on 3D vertex manipulation?
Vertex Dragging In 3D
#9487 posted by Mike Woodham on 2010/02/25 19:59:01
I haven't seen that in 3D (not that I have looked) but I tend to select the face in 3D and then manipulate in 2D. The 3D window updates in real-time anyway.
I have a scroll wheel mouse so I select face in 3D, move the mouse over whichever 2D window is relevant, scroll to zoom in or out, right click and drag to move the view around, manipulate brush using this method.
I have been playing with terrain on and off for ages and I have no problems.
A Bit More
#9488 posted by Mike Woodham on 2010/02/25 20:06:05
Selecting a brush in 2D is just SHIFT and left click on the brush's centre x.
You can also change the selected face of a selected brush by left clicking close the the outside edge of the new face.
#9489 posted by JneeraZ on 2010/02/25 20:10:00
OK, just checking. I had 3D manipulation of stuff in ToeTag and it was hella useful. I'll just have to get used to this method for now then.
Thanks for all your help, BTW. It great to have someone to fill in the holes that I can't fill with the help docs.
#9490 posted by JPL on 2010/02/25 21:28:47
Hammer visgroups are groups in QuArK... as far as I know ;)
#9491 posted by Trinca on 2010/02/26 11:54:55
thanks JPL
Documentation Wanted ...
#9492 posted by Ron on 2010/02/26 16:47:39
I was thinking of including some monsters from the mission pack(s).
Is there any documentation showing me what files I need to copy and how to write them into the WC fgd ?
I probably need to make a new pak then too, do I ?
If Anybody Is Up For It ...
#9493 posted by Ron on 2010/02/26 16:59:00
There is something I can't do at all and that is making new monster models. I don't want to learn it either, I think others can do a better job anyway. But I've got this idea of creating a really tall (bigger than the Shambler) version of an Ogre, carrying a large hammer or axe, that is really fast and crushes a player with one good blow. It would be cool to make him act hostile toward any non-Ogres. Not an end boss or anything, just an occasional annoyance. Dodging, shooting and staying alive would be the way past him.
If you like the idea, I would love to use your skills ...
#9494 posted by negke on 2010/02/27 11:14:52
Model: open ogre.mdl in QME. Scale it up. Delete the grenade launcher (+shoot animation) and the chainsaw. Paste an upscaled player axe minus the hand and move the vertices of the blades until they resemble a hammer (or simply use the Mjolnir mdl). Align the hammer to the smash animation.
QC: no idea.
I'm not going to do it. :)
I'm Up But Horns Blow My Shields,,,
#9495 posted by madfox on 2010/03/06 06:05:49
I converted some monsters from DOE and SOA.
It's not such a difficult thing only qc is hard to extract as it worms all around.
I once tried the Gremlin for its weapon thievery.
I'm working on the Old Ogre so I could make something like that.
#9496 posted by madfox on 2010/03/06 17:22:21
where's your ID or email?
Some Questions
#9497 posted by Drew on 2010/03/08 08:15:29
Any help regarding any of these would be greatly apprecciated!
Textures - I am still unable to convert my Wads to HLwads. Does anyone know if there has been an updated version of Bakers wad conversion tool?
If not, what is the best way to go about converting the textures manually?
Curves - I have read and come to terms with CZG's 2 point curve technique. I was wondering if anyone could explain a nice clean way to extrapolate that into more detailed curves, using the arch tool or otherwise.
I usually find it impossible to keep my arches on grid/ at the right angles with the arch creation tool in WC 3.3.
Lights - How do I set spotlights up? Can detailed info be found on the Bengt page regarding that?
#9498 posted by RickyT33 on 2010/03/08 11:18:44
OK, well Im nt going to carry on about the texture conversion, but the other points:
Smooth Arches - I tend to do this by eye, looking from the side.
Lights - so make a spotlight ad the key "mangle" with the value "0 -90 0".
The first 0 can be changed of you want the light to point in a funny angle (it rotates the angle of projection through the x axis), the second number "-90" says to point directly at the floor. This could be -45 for example, if you wanted it to point down at 45 degrees. And the final number "0" is irrelevant, it is just a marker.
#9499 posted by ijed on 2010/03/08 15:08:20
Are you on Vista?
Also, don't use any auto-creation tools in wc3.3 - they're all crap.
This is how I make 24 sided stuff -
Which should serve for high detail curves.
If you go back in mapping help history a couple of pages you'll find a discussion on twists / spirals.
#9500 posted by ijed on 2010/03/08 15:10:22
I include the subtract / boolean / carve on the list of bad stuff.
It's even better to make your own circles using slice, instead of having to auto-make one, rotate it, then snap it to grid with vertex manipulation.
#9501 posted by Drew on 2010/03/09 10:47:10
... yeah.
Ricky - thanks for that explanation - seems simple enough!
Ijed - I've only used the arch tool once - in sm149 (hence the title "Brushwork of The Damned") and I never plan to use it again!
The aspect that confuses me is making a pathway or maybe a hollow tube that encircles that 24 sided cylinder. tightly. without being leaky or buggy or otherwise shitty.
I understand how to me to skew and clip a path like that around a 12 sided cylinder, but I'm at a loss regarding how to do that around a 24 sided cylinder.
Hope that makes some sense. If not oh well, it's late and my eyes are bleeding.
Texture Conversion
#9502 posted by ijed on 2010/03/09 12:05:46
Right click on the tool and run as administrator - I think that's how it works. Or turn of UAC.
The jpg I sent shows you how to wrap stuff around a 24 sider though - if you try making pie slices out from the centre (same as for a 12 sided) you'll see it stays on grid.
Does take a bit more trial and error though.
#9503 posted by Drew on 2010/03/09 23:32:33
I'll mess around with it.
It's one of those things - I want to learn how to do it "properly" but it's frustrating tinkering around when I could be making a fun interesting map that just so happens to have crappier brushwork.
it's a fine line, especially considering this is just a hobby. I only want to map for fun.
thanks again for your help guys, I appreciate you taking time to answer my stupid questions!
24 Sided Arch
#9504 posted by grahf on 2010/03/10 19:17:53
How close is this to what ijed sent you, Drew? Can provide map file if you want.
I did it like this (in gtkradiant 1.4): Start with 24 sided cylinder, 256*256, using standard ratios. On an 8-unit grid, the ratios are: 2:0, 4:1, 4:2, 3:3, 2:4, 1:4, 0:2.
Then copy it and scale it up 1.5x, and again 2.0x, radiant can do this scaling easily. Then draw imaginary lines from the center to the edges, the points should match up (pie slices as ijed says).
Now... wrapping a hollow cylinder around a cylinder... is possible, but a fucking headache, and it's actually somewhat editor dependent as to what's possible or not. Last time I looked at the problem, it was simply not possible in Radiant to wrap a 12 sided hollow pipe around a 12 sided cylinder, because of, well I'm not sure exactly, but it has to do with how radiant won't let you make invalid concave brushes like worldcraft will. That old "CZG curve tutorial" is somewhat useless in radiant because they handle skewing and group edge dragging completely differently.
However it is entirely possible to wrap a simpler, 8-sided cylinder around a 12 sided one. It should be possible to do the same around a 24-sided cylinder, though I'm not sure if I've ever tried. If you do, make the pieces really big so it fits on grid. In the above screenshot, the arch goes down to 2 and 4 unit grid already.
Almost The Same
#9505 posted by ijed on 2010/03/10 22:23:07
But mine's on a bigger grid - the principle's there but like you say, so're the different editor techniques.
Since the finalised shapes from wrapping around are valid have you tried figuring out a Radiant method from a .map made in another editor?
Curves In Radiant
I remember that I used the clipping tool a lot for wrapping curves. You can use it to cut the wall brushes of a pipe and other shapes very easily simply by drawing them from the center out to a point that is on the grid. The end points must however be chosen so that adjacent clipping lines all have the same angles (e.g. 360 / 24). I think I did that by creating a very large cylinder with for example 24 sides whose vertices were aligned on the grid.
Dunno if this makes sense, but I do remember that making curves was very easy this way. Also, you can extend this method to 3D using clipping planes, but it's obviously more work.
The clipping lines for any curve brushes extend from the center of the curve to the vertices of the "guide" cylinder.
Also, remember that brush vertices don't need to be aligned on the grid since the brush faces are not defined by the vertices, but by three coplanar points. Radiant handles this very well, as opposed to other editors (QERadiant that is).
Working with the brushes that make up the curve is very easy in Radiant due to its face dragging feature.
I see you are using Radiant in Mac OS X there. How did you set it up? I tried it several times, but it never worked for me. Can you give me some hints? Which version is that?