#9484 posted by
PRITCHARD on 2016/09/24 14:06:48
Maybe the spammers just hate "other PC games". I can understand that, Quake is the one true game after all. But is this really the best way to take out their anger at this thread's existence? really?
Cheap Knockoff Anal Lube Unused
#9486 posted by anonymous user on 2016/09/24 14:14:18
To Wipe The Lube Off Afterwards?
#9489 posted by
Mugwump on 2016/09/24 16:27:25
This Is Getting Ridiculous
#9491 posted by
Mugwump on 2016/09/24 16:32:53
#9494 posted by
lpowell on 2016/09/25 23:45:54
Got Devil Daggers via Humble Bundle. Kinda addictive, I like the design and the gameplay is exactly what I expected from how it was advertised. I can see why people would want "proper levels" but criticizing the game for not being a level-based FPS is a little like criticizing a bullet hell game for not being an open world space combat sim. Difficulty ramps up pretty quickly but I think it works in the game's favor. It remains to be seen how much staying power it will have for me (particularly considering I'm not a competitive gamer at all) but I recommend it if you don't expect the game to be something it's not.
#9495 posted by
Mugwump on 2016/09/26 02:53:58
Wow, I just took a peek at the specs, they're insane for a 20-year-old game! Is the HRP included or what?!
#9496 posted by
PRITCHARD on 2016/09/26 03:08:34
I've been playing a bit of devil daggers lately too. It almost does have levels, in the sense that there's no RNG in the game. Spawners etc. show up at the same time every time you play. Despite knowing this and working on ways to beat them, I still only ever seem to make it to about a minute or less a life :(
#9498 posted by
killpixel on 2016/09/26 22:18:32
I doubt HRP is included, which is fine by me :]
#9499 posted by
Mugwump on 2016/09/27 04:17:36
It's not unusual for enhanced editions to use community content, some modders have even worked on the games. I'm just wondering what they did to Duke to have those specs.
Yeah, Weird
#9500 posted by
killpixel on 2016/09/27 05:18:45
The specs are pretty high...
On a possibly related note: Does AO and bloom really make the gfx more palatable? They did this with strife, too. I find it strange.
#9501 posted by Killes on 2016/09/27 07:17:01
"On a possibly related note: Does AO and bloom really make the gfx more palatable?"
Au contraire. Bad taste.
#9502 posted by
Mugwump on 2016/09/27 09:28:06
I don't generally like bloom. It has to be VERY subtle.