Anyone Here Played
#9426 posted by Graf Frag on 2016/09/07 01:06:46
INSIDE from Playdead Studios yet?
I recommend it.
Bioshock The Collection
#9428 posted by
Rick on 2016/09/10 03:33:36
I just found out that the Bioshock series of games have been "Remastered" and will be free if you already own the originals.
Supposedly they will be automatically available on Steam next week if you have those versions. Some hoops to jump through if not.
Space Hulk Deathwing
Seriously cannot wait for this game. Looks awesome!
Seriously Cannot Wait For Reposting A 6 Month Old Video...
#9431 posted by
Shambler on 2016/09/12 10:29:53
....but yeah does look great!!
Metro 2033 Redux.
#9432 posted by
Shambler on 2016/09/12 21:46:42
Never played the original as it looked a bit grey and clunky, but then played Last Light and really enjoyed it, so got the revamped M2033 Redux when it came out and have been playing it recently.
It's pretty much like Last Light i.e. really rather good. Combat and controls are a bit clunky (trying to track the fucking mutants when they are attacking you is a bit like trying to swat a swarm of wasps with your cock whilst someone shines a strobelight in your face) and there sometimes feels like a mission/story/gameplay disparity, but other than that there's a lot of captivating stuff about this game. Graphics are good, world design is well done, the NPCs are entertaining and the atmosphere is spot on. It's some bleakly post-apocalyptically RUSSIAN, like Last Light I wonder if it is actually a real-life documentary.
Good stuff.
#9434 posted by
Rick on 2016/09/12 22:59:15
It was always fun in the Metro games to step off a very slight slope into what should have been a few inches of water only to immediately plunge into the abyss.
Yeah The Odd Glitch.
#9435 posted by
Shambler on 2016/09/13 00:11:23
But that's not the main thing that stands out for me tbh.
#9436 posted by
Rick on 2016/09/13 01:21:19
I always assumed it was due to the abrupt transition from walking to swimming causing the player's POV to switch almost instantly from 5 feet above to 1 foot below the water line.
Maybe that's a glitch or just the way they decided to program it.
They were pretty good games regardless. A lot like the STALKER series where the good stuff was more than enough to offset the weird design choices.
Loved The Metro Series
#9437 posted by
mjb on 2016/09/13 02:17:35
Never played the Redux but I have played the original when it was optimized to all hell.
Just hit 1.0 on Steam and has a Free version and a �8.99 full version. Looks like the free version is pretty feature rich and will give you a decent taste of the game?
#9439 posted by
Kinn on 2016/09/14 20:03:48
go to the 1:13 mark - that is literally UT's Deck16 map
#9440 posted by
Shambler on 2016/09/14 21:57:35
Free is too expensive. The video gives a good taste of the game, UT2k16 wants it's game back. No bargepole long enough for that toss.
#9442 posted by
lpowell on 2016/09/15 08:00:27
I downloaded it cuz free. I don't really play multiplayer much these days, though. When I do it's UT99 and I'm either way better than everyone else on the server, or I get destroyed. No in-between.
Retro Style FPS Game Called Dusk -
Looks neat, I am wondering if they are actually using the Quake engine -
#9444 posted by
PRITCHARD on 2016/09/16 01:32:55
Looks... interesting. I've never been a huge fan of levels based around "real" locations, but it does look like a good romp based on the trailer.
Some parts of it really do look quite quake-like, don't they? The only thing that makes me doubt that idea is the player movement. I can't say i've ever seen anything quake1-based do that much with the player controller before, although that hardly means it's impossible... Maybe it's more quake2 based, or something.
#9445 posted by
metlslime on 2016/09/16 02:58:35
the ability to do flips in the air is pretty cool, though it didn't seem like the guy was in the air long enough to use it much. if you have a rocket launcher and more air time, you could use thse jump pads to clean up a crowd of enemies before you land, which could be pretty cool. The arcade tank game Assault had a thing like that.
#9446 posted by
lpowell on 2016/09/16 07:36:29
It looks pretty neat, wish the gameplay snippets were longer though. The dual-wielded shotguns are giving me Marathon flashbacks. (I really wish those games held up better these days.)
The Green Penis Arrow Will Not Do.
#9447 posted by Killes on 2016/09/16 08:58:46