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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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It would look better if the ceiling was protruding upwards, not downwards. 
The Two Uprights Against The Wall At The Back 
Look like old chimney stacks :) 
@ Sock's Last Screeny 
Something doesn't look quite right with the ceiling I agree. 
Light From Windows 
You can use a func_wall as the window glass and put a sky brush behind it to seal it from leaking. Then put a not too bright light inside the sky brush, but give it a small wait value so it has some reach. Finally, put a stack of low value lights in front of the window to provide some fill. Otherwise the window frame will be pitch black. 
I love that idea.

Sock, that looks nice! You're spoiling us! 
Nice Shot Rick 
This is basically the same thing as Mike mentioned above. Here is how one window from the previous screenshot is set up in the editor.

You should be aware though that I tend to use pretty low light values, but then I boost it during compile. So, my light values will probably be too low for most people. I used range 1.4 for the build that previous screenshot came from ( I also tweaked the sceenshot in PSP, I hope I didn't make it too bright). 
Metal Bricks??!?!?! 
Wait, entities can be inside sky brushes?! 
I know lights can. It saves brushes and marksurfaces if you use a sky brush to enclose the outside light and seal the func_wall window, instead of building a box around it. 
Yeah, Lights Can Be Inside Sky Brushes 
This is because sky isn't solid, it's a liquid technically. The original qbsp would treat it as solid unless there was another solid brush behind it. But all modern qbsp versions will always make it liquid and yet also seal the map correctly at the same time, which is a very nice feature. (that's why a lot of early maps would have rockets explode when they hit the sky, instead of disappearing. Also grappling hook in ctf would grab the sky if it is solid.) 
A fine example - shadows in Quake are so important to the visuals. 
Yes please.
Probably my favourite Quake theme - love seeing it expanded, new textures added, new blends taken on (don't know if I've seen a 'wind tunnels' map in this style!). Looks pretty great architecturally as is, in my opinion. Lighting, I guess I agree with what others are saying. 
And Yeah, Rick 
nice shot as well. Looking forward to your new stuff! 
I'd Like To See 
the full episode from Sock. Particularly E4 
"If you make the window a non light blocking entity (I forget what it is) you can put a stronger light outside the window and get a better effect of light streaming into the room."

You can also use a func detail with a sky brush behind it if entity count is an issue. If you aren't using any sky textures (visible) you can also use the _sunlight in worldspawn to cast light through the window. Again a lower entity count and a consistent shadow from all windows. The only possible downside to this is that if you have windows on different planes (say 180 degrees opposite) then you won't be getting any light from one of them. Then again that's how sunlight works in real life so... Try messing around with the yaw if you have windows 90 degrees opposite from each other so that you can get the effect from 2 directions. 
Duplicate Colors In The Quake Palette 
I've been working on new textures for my map because most of the newer parts I've added are much more Gothic looking than the original level. The new version is suffering from metal4_4itis. Here is a screen shot.

While working on the new texture, I started to think my .pal file I was using in PSP was wrong because there a quite a few duplicate colors, but it looks like there was only one error in my .pal file and TexMex was fixing it automatically.

I still have to wonder, if you only have 256 colors to work with, why waste 5% of them on duplicates? 
The Quake Palette 
is terrible in a lot of ways, mainly because so many of the colours are used just for multiplayer trousers / shirt colours and are hardly ever seen on environment textures or monster skins.

Still waiting for that purple texture set, come on guys you know it would be good. 
Purple Texture Set 
is a possibility I would love to explore, sadly I am no texture artist. I envision some kind of elder/void style (like a quakey version of Fez)... 
Been spending most of my time failing to find a job and working on this but I cracked Hammer open again recently:

Big outdoor re re re design

Slimy goodness

I'm now just trying to finish architecture with the verts I've got left and solve about a zillion issues with my crappy excessive scripting (not helping that easy/normal and hard have a lot of differences in triggers, doors and such).

ETA sometime this decade. 
Dunno if you downloaded my deck remake, but I rejigged & combined a couple of slime textures which I think looks nice... rip it and use it if you like (no need for credits etc), I find the stock slime textures in Quake a little bit flat and boring ;) 
Looks huge. But i'm not fond with some of your texturing choices. That floor in the second shot for example. Looks meh
Lighting needs polishing too. 
Both of the screenshots look promising, man.

Second screenshot looks better, even if it is simpler and with a more common Quake base architecture. But the small bars on the back look completely dark even though the surrounding aren't.

In the first one it seems like there is too many different styles in brushwork and the coloured lighting doesn't look too well.

Purple texture pack would be a very good addition. 
Check the latest news threads - both the new versions of Tyrutils and rebb's mod of the BJP tools now support detail brushes. This should help a lot in your map, making it less of a vis monster. 
Is that the the same map you posted the demo for awhile back? I liked it. The TyrUtils would help out with vis times. The map I played had a lot of opportunity to use func_detail. 
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