#9361 posted by
negke on 2013/05/10 16:04:44
The lights are powered by magic, silly. They always work regardless of damage.
#9362 posted by
sock on 2013/05/10 16:50:06
Well to be fair I did add a flicker to the light! :P
The map is about only using a limited texture set and nothing else. It has been really hard to resist adding more textures but I am hoping people will just fill in the gaps and imagine it sparking and the light texture flickering.
I Would Be Excited About
#9363 posted by
Drew on 2013/05/10 21:09:52
additional textures as long as they remain very id-vanillesque. So while I know you are not doing that, if you decide to compromise later on down the line, i'll be super stoked. I love new custom id1 style textures, and would be excited about using them in my own mapping (as I am about using the ones you've already created [once you're cool with that obviously])!
#9366 posted by
madfox on 2013/05/12 16:05:39
phiran�a's don't bite eachother,
as I think they do eat eachother
after getting hurt.
Free Madfox Dopefish Model !
#9369 posted by
madfox on 2013/05/13 17:05:34
A Bit Too Yellow
#9373 posted by
nitin on 2013/05/15 09:20:42
and also I think the the roof light is giving off too much for its size?
What Light From Yonder Window Breaks...
#9374 posted by Mike Woodham on 2013/05/15 09:36:41
It looks as though the light entity is too far away from the window and therefore unnaturally lights the walls on either side.
If you make the window a non light blocking entity (I forget what it is) you can put a stronger light outside the window and get a better effect of light streaming into the room.
It would look better if the ceiling was protruding upwards, not downwards.
The Two Uprights Against The Wall At The Back
#9376 posted by
RickyT33 on 2013/05/15 10:55:15
Look like old chimney stacks :)
@ Sock's Last Screeny
#9377 posted by foogs on 2013/05/15 15:01:30
Something doesn't look quite right with the ceiling I agree.
Light From Windows
#9378 posted by
Rick on 2013/05/15 19:20:26
You can use a func_wall as the window glass and put a sky brush behind it to seal it from leaking. Then put a not too bright light inside the sky brush, but give it a small wait value so it has some reach. Finally, put a stack of low value lights in front of the window to provide some fill. Otherwise the window frame will be pitch black.
I love that idea.
Sock, that looks nice! You're spoiling us!
#9381 posted by
Rick on 2013/05/15 21:26:30
This is basically the same thing as Mike mentioned above. Here is how one window from the previous screenshot is set up in the editor.
You should be aware though that I tend to use pretty low light values, but then I boost it during compile. So, my light values will probably be too low for most people. I used range 1.4 for the build that previous screenshot came from ( I also tweaked the sceenshot in PSP, I hope I didn't make it too bright).
#9383 posted by
Spirit on 2013/05/15 21:40:50
Wait, entities can be inside sky brushes?!
#9384 posted by
Rick on 2013/05/15 21:44:32
I know lights can. It saves brushes and marksurfaces if you use a sky brush to enclose the outside light and seal the func_wall window, instead of building a box around it.
Yeah, Lights Can Be Inside Sky Brushes
#9385 posted by
metlslime on 2013/05/15 22:34:12
This is because sky isn't solid, it's a liquid technically. The original qbsp would treat it as solid unless there was another solid brush behind it. But all modern qbsp versions will always make it liquid and yet also seal the map correctly at the same time, which is a very nice feature. (that's why a lot of early maps would have rockets explode when they hit the sky, instead of disappearing. Also grappling hook in ctf would grab the sky if it is solid.)