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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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Yeah not a good idea picking MGS5 as your first entry in the series, both for story and gameplay reasons. 
I will have to look into MGS5 on the next Steam Sale. I love well polished stealth games. 
"Note That I'm Playing On Pc With A Xb1 Controller." 
Diablo 3 
I know I'm going to repeat what has already been said here but I played through all 5 acts of Diable 3 (I have the ROS expansion.) I had it on my machine for quite a while before commiting to a game.

As with Diablo 2, I started the game on Normal expecting relative dominance against the mass enemies but having reason to fear bosses (for me Duriel, the D2 Act 2 boss, killed me numerous times and was the hardest in the whole game with Diable second.) I admit that a mix of cowardace and laziness kept me from bumping up the difficulty with my Demon Hunter and it felt like I had a cheat code on because I plowed through everything without ever dying.

Maybe Blizzard should have called Normal Easy and Hard Normal or something that would result in a peceived challenge on par with Diablo 2 which felt right for me.

I did enjoy the game. It looks great and sounds great (the music seemed better in Act 1 then the others.) I actually like the extra colours and glitter and the interface seemed good. Unlimited potions and town portals were nice but brought a slight sense of guilt since they carried no cost or inventory burden. D3 felt less grindy then D2 but that could have been the speed with which I made it though in light of no resistance. D2 had a better story but the D3 story was okay if a bit cliched. The D2 story is hard to beat - three brothers - 3 prime evils - hard to top that.

I did get my Nagelring but it happened post Act 5 while doing bounties for the sake of reaching level 70. I did bump up to Hard but I may have to go up another notch or two before I actually have to pay attention to my health globe. Naybe I'll get an itch in a year or so (I did like repeating D2) and I'll use my existing Demon hunter to redo the campaign but with proper peril. 
Note that I'm playing on pc with a xb1 controller.

I've considered buying one because some games require pressing multiple controller buttons at once to perform certain actions. This can be awkward and if not impossible to do playing the PC port on a keyboard.

Bad thing is, you usually don't find this out until after you buy the game. 
uh, ok, nevermind. 
Diablo III 
Was hyped for it then it turned to be rather disappointing.

However, I can appreciate the second half of Act III as it was a visual splendor to play through!

Diablo II will always be the king for me. 
Finished Enderal 
Amazing stuff! If you enjoyed Skyrim and Nehrim, there's no way around this mod. Quite huge and well-designed world (three+ climate zones) with lots of exploration, good story and entertaining quests. Also professional voice acting. This could easily be a DLC or a game of its own. Naturally, there are bugs and shortcomings that require some patience at times, but for a noncommercial release, that's all forgiven. Took my time with it, some 60 hours or so.

The English version is scheduled for release in August. 8 GB download. Highly recommended. 
Bunch of screenshots: 
Wolflike Fps 
Okay Let's Have A List.... 
....of shit, pointless, class-based teamplay MP / MOBA shooters that are all the fucking same that no-one is going to play...

Quake Chumpions if ever released (hopefully not)

Any more?? 
Definitely a lot of entries attempting to make it big but I will have to say Overwatch is an enjoyable "sit and play" for a few hours game with friends. 
Overwatch is the game, the others are the clones. 
That I'd touch it with a fucking bargepole of course. But it got there first in the current batch. 
Ah I See 
Yeah, I didn't even know Lawbreakers was a thing until I saw it on the Game Grave.

Paragon seems to be a more boring version. Overwatch has approach-ability, and has charming characters.

Poor Battleborn seems like it could have some merit as it has multiplayer PvE but its release was overshadowed by Blizzard's next big hit.

Who knows about Quake Champions, I am sure there will be some pull to influence micro transactions of some sort. I'll stick with OG Quake! 
On The Subject Of Clones: 
Diablo 3 - Viking Version!!

Looks generic as fuck, but the gfx look really nice and the theme might well be appealing... 
Latest Trailer

Giger/Beksinski inspired FPS. Neat flesh gun (not the giger variety) at the 2:20 mark, reminiscent of PREY. 
Looks really cool, not sure what they're really going for in terms of gameplay though. 
Latest Trailer. 
Welcome to a month and a half ago... 
BATTLETECH Super-Pre-Pre-Pre-Alpha Video.

Looks spot on.

Graphics decent already. Animations and effects are cool. Functionality with initiative, movement commands etc look great.

Mechwarrior meets XCom? Sold. 
Battletech Demo Video 
I'm a little nervous about that "Eliminate Enemy Units 0/5" and "Destroy Reinforcements 0/4" thing. Kinda removes any element of surprise, perhaps even suggests segmentation or compartmentalization of mission design? Also, I don't like how the enemy reinforcements just spring up in the middle of the map instead of having to enter the map from the edges. Does the player even have the option of scouting those areas in advance and camp their spawn points? What would happen then?

I hope they don't bring the kind of mission design qualities they've shown here into the full game because it seems rigid and predictable. I'd prefer mission design that's more organic and free-flowing, like MechCommander 1's. 
Yes I Agree With That. 
Mission structure does not seem that exciting yet. But the core gameplay seems work very nicely.

I really liked MechCommander2, never played 1 tho. 
Any Metroid Fan Needs To Play AM2R 
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