I Made It With
#9339 posted by ijed on 2010/02/14 05:04:51
4 sided shapes but got the offset wrong - will give the stack method a try - sounds alot easier tbh.
#9340 posted by ijed on 2010/02/14 05:35:03
It was the cylinder as an offset reference I was missing.
Problem was I didn't want to make an actual spiral but more something like a drill or screw.
Might well have a go at something a bit more ambitious with this.
Trisoup It
#9341 posted by negke on 2010/02/14 10:44:26
A drill might be tricky to do, assuming it's not the size of a room, because the smaller you get, the more difficult (or impossible) the technique becomes.
#9342 posted by rj on 2010/02/14 12:58:25
nice spiral. also as or the 6/4 side cuboid technique - better just make one cuboid into two triangular prisms, then you cant go wrong ;)
oh you can. i have done anyway ;p
that's essentially what i ended up with above; it can just be a bit of a headache working out which way to split them sometimes; there are still several four-sided faces that need to keep intact
a full 'vertex block' (unofficial name i've given for the 6x4 brush thing) however can literally be bent anywhere on any axis, providing the result is at least concave. works great for natural terrain.. but probably isn't to be abused too much in minor architectural detail
The Most Ambitious Thing I Attempted
#9343 posted by rj on 2010/02/14 13:04:38
was actually in that speedmap pictured above; instead of leaving it as a pillar i tried to make it a full-blown arch with the spiral curving around. i got my head in a mess at the time & ditched the idea but on hindsight it should be easy if you build the curve before subtracting the negative brushes. might try it... i was actually wanting to do a big spirally setpiece as a finale for e2 :)
#9344 posted by Spirit on 2010/02/14 13:56:57
That speedmap was one of the first maps I ever played (ran pretty slow...); that and Daz' graffiti maps are some of my favorite ("mapping-wankery-")speedmaps ever.
The Drill
#9345 posted by ijed on 2010/02/14 17:51:45
Is the size of a room and not supposed to be used for drilling. The limitation of the grid is 2x2 so making a drill of 128 size I wouldn't even attempt - straight to .mdl.
Rj, the spiral made in the way you describe (assuming I'm not missing a step) comes back as invalid solid unless trisouped, though I haven't compiled to check it yet.
I still think back to SPoG - that map was insane for geometric complexity.
Hm, might try to coax AguirRe back to Quake 1 to see what made formations can be tweaked to compile better.
24 sided curved spiral anyone?
Can You
#9346 posted by rj on 2010/02/14 18:41:17
upload a .map of your attempt so i can see if you went wrong anywhere?
Actually Scratch That
#9347 posted by rj on 2010/02/14 18:56:26
i just opened up the rmf of that map and noticed that wasn't how i did it. each side was actually split into 4 not 2. i'll just upload the thing so you can have a look and pull it apart :)
#9348 posted by rj on 2010/02/14 19:05:09
#9349 posted by ijed on 2010/02/14 19:20:50
Sprials.rmf in the testmaps folder, or there's examples of 24 sided shapes from ctf1rq - with some geodesic domes in there as well.
#9350 posted by ijed on 2010/02/14 19:22:33
The 24 sided stuff is pretty limited.
...I remember I did include some helix' as well though - above the stairs off to the sides in the courtyard.
#9351 posted by rj on 2010/02/14 19:55:17
i just put up a 24 sider in the same folder. it only goes down to the 4 grid at that size so you could in theory either half the bar widths or go for a full-blown 48 sider if you wanted to show off. you could probably get away with half the bars though at 24/48, i don't think spog's had that many
#9352 posted by ijed on 2010/02/14 22:13:13
Will take a butchers later though, got people starting to arrive.
Spawning Items.
#9353 posted by Drew on 2010/02/14 23:33:40
Okay - so trying to do something with this not quite speedmap and wondering
how can I go about spawning a key in a map?
I'm working in Quoth, of course.
#9354 posted by Preach on 2010/02/15 01:23:37
I was going to post a hacky way of doing it, but I'll hold my tongue. There's a correct way of doing it, which is to use the info_multispawn with a spawncount of 1, and set the spawnclassname and spawnfunction to item_key1 instead of a monster class.
A full write-up of the info_multispawn entity can be found here: http://www.celephais.net/board/view_thread.php?id=60173&start=257&end=257
#9355 posted by Drew on 2010/02/15 01:40:19
Func_Train Trouble ...
#9356 posted by Ron on 2010/02/15 10:59:40
Hello again,
I have made a Func_train that goes round, it has 4 path_corners. What I want to do, if possible, is to make a door that opens up to let the train go true. The problem is, I don't know how to do that. Any ideas ?
Well You Can Time The Door To Open
#9357 posted by RickyT33 on 2010/02/15 14:05:16
At the correct time. Make a trigger_relay entity with the same targetname as the train. When the train gets triggered it will trigger the trigger_relay too. And you make the trigger_relay target the door, but give the trigger_relay a "delay" key with a value of "X", X being the amount of seconds before the door is to open.
Is it "delay" or "wait"? One or the other :)
#9358 posted by negke on 2010/02/15 14:12:27
Yes, that's right. Though it sounds like the door is supposed to open not only once but every time the train passes it. In this case you have to add a second relay with the same targetname that fires the first relay again after the right delay, so the cycle starts over again.
#9359 posted by RickyT33 on 2010/02/15 14:15:25
Is it possible to make a path_corner trigger the relay or even the door directly?
#9360 posted by negke on 2010/02/15 14:20:36
But you can make the door trigger the relay. Or itself after the time the train needs to do its round - then you'd have to add the field "use" "multi_trigger" to the door.
#9361 posted by negke on 2010/02/15 14:29:14
Keep in mind this kind of delay/script may easily run out of sync if the train is blocked by the player or monsters.
#9362 posted by Ron on 2010/02/15 14:32:57
for your suggestions.
I'll try and work it out.
Otherwise I'll just have to bin the whole idea.
It's one of these "but I set my mind on it" ideas ...
Another Way Would To Make The Door
#9363 posted by RickyT33 on 2010/02/15 14:37:00
A train. You could set a path_corner at the open and closed positions of the door, and give them a "wait" key of however long you want the door to wait until it moves again.