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Screenshots & Betas
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.

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Third Picture Looks The Most Appealing To Me 
In my humble opinion. I really dig your style. 
First one (if it wasn't for the wrong brick seam on the right tower!) 
Needs to be blood on the wooden plank leading to the rune! All those shots rock though

Shots 1 and 3 are best for mass consumption, for some reason, shot 4 reminds me of the old Quake2 promotional screen with the gladiator on a bridge

I have no idea why 
1 and 3. SK door criticism bollocks.
Shot 2 is very nice brushporn, but yeah, not particularly compelling for non mappers - also courtyard visible doesn't have anything of particular visual interest as of right now.

shot 4 what spirit/scampie said 
damn nig they look frickin awesome sock. 
1 And 3 From Me Too 
my favorite image is 23 by far of those posted. I can't really give much concrete reasoning as to why I like the image better than the others other than it's driving my imagination wild thinking what is at the end of those stairs or how high those stairs go. 
New Ogre 
I really don't like the new ligh huge block texture and it doesn't work well with city6_8. The rest is cool. 
'huge Light Block Texture' 
the windows?

I think EVERYTHING in those shots looks cool. 
Vermis Embryo? 
It seems I can't get away from Quake. I found this growing under the sink...

(Nikoin D5000, SB-700 @ 128th, f16, 60th sec, summer fruits cordial dropped into milk) 
Excellent picture you got there, Mike!

I tried some macrophoto's once, but almost screwed my new camera with the outstanding lense I needed for that purpose.
It gives me reminiscense of my fluid projections I make with my diaprojector and a tumbling double glass coil. 
Post A Picture Of Yourself...Shamber! 
who'se afraid of screenshots
I Liked The Guru Pic Better 
Work In Progress 
but nearly done.

It is dm6rmx, but it doesn't really feel like dm6 at all because I had to change the size of the main atrium quite considerably. I also added a lot of extra areas and although the original layout is still there underneath, you would barely know it :/ ( :) ? ) 
looks sexy as fook...! 
Very Cool 
That copper use reminds me of Aderlass - which is a good thing :) 
Nice one, looks to do it justice, lush lighting in the 2nd n 3rd shots. 
Looks Good 
You got me hooked. DM6 it's my favourite DM map and i can only see it in the third sc, which i suppose you took from the place the RA is. I'm still figuring which part are the other 2. 
Last Shot 
Looks ace! I love the light fixtures! 
Those Giant Nut And Bolts 
Image 1: I love the window design (diagonal bars) around the central arena, reminds me of E3M6 which is one of my favourite levels for architectural style. The ceiling looks like a blob of brown, maybe add some colour (grey/green) to the circular panel/trims?

Image 2: Got some lovely strong architectural lines going on with the bolt supports on the ceiling but the colours feel wrong. The ceiling is just full on brown and it would be interesting to extend the grey brick upwards to break the hard line separating the two sections of the room.

Image 3: Looks like a good combat area with multiple floor heights and I love the style of the steps with the brown/green combo. This is certainly the best image for lighting, very dramatic. 
Looking at the pics again I think they only thing I would say negatively (and who am I to say bad things about other peoples maps?) is that the lighting is a little flat in the first and second image.
I think if the lighting has a lot of good contrast between light and dark then it doesn't matter terribly what textures you use. I've seen very well lit single texture maps that take a dump all over anything I've ever done. ;) 
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