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Glad to hear from someone who likes the game. I was reading a few opinions from the release date and they weren't too good. I guess now the game has been available for a short while people have had a better chance to appreciate it.

I've been looking forward to it (the pc version) for a long time, as it sounds like it should be really immersive and spooky.

I'll probably have to grab a copy soon then! 
Lucky Xboxers :( 
still though, i'm glad to hear that people are liking it. :) 
there are some legal questions about this mobile quake ... and there is m already mobile doom for windows mobile and simbian and btw im writing this from my phone sitting in the pub ;) 
get drunk already and calm down, bitch 
Drunk Yes 
Everclear and loli! Hurrah! 
there are some legal questions about this mobile quake

Please keep us posted. In addition, i'd just like to make it clear that the moment some "Internet Entrepreneur" tries to make money flogging existing mods/maps for mobile quake (and you know that someone will fucking try) is the moment I will get medieval on their arse/arses �_� 
Decent Q4 DM Map 
Map releases aren't newsworthy here.
Prison Abuse 
I like the color scheme, and the oppressive, towering structures. Will need to download this and run through it once I get home, maybe even try a duel. 
Q3 Maps By Zombie 
I can't find any, but I want them. Any ideas? 
Ask Zombie. He's on #terrafusion on , when he's awake. 
Legal Question 
cause i don't know much about all this stuff, but:

is it legal to use a recorded version of some quake music in d3? 
I would think that the answer is NO, unless you can obtain a written permission from Trent Reznor, which doesn't sound very likely. 
small clips of music, like the NIN riffs used in Zeroister are considered Fair Usuage. So the answer is, it depends. 
Well No, 
i mean, it would be a fair amount of the music, not just a couple of seconds.

i was hoping because they were both iD games that it would maybe be ok, but it's not that big a deal in the end. 
sup everyone 
you came looking for me in irc, but i was afk -- whats up? 
ID Would Be Cool With It, Activision Not So Much. :( 
I remember a few years back when the Generations mod for Quake 3 had to basically be restarted because id let them know there would be legal hassles.

The general summary was that while id didn't really have any problem with limited use of parts from one game in another paying homage or the like, the publishers looked at it differently. And since the publishers own the distribution rights ultimately it was their call. :( 
Doom 3 Cinema 2 Wallpapers

[i]This is my 2nd Doom 3 Cinema pack. I'm gonna do a couple more probably. These are just from the demo as of now, and are 1600 x 1200. I've added a little film grain this time around. My favorite is d3-cinema_4.jpg, because Doom 3 engine's lighting really set it up - I didn't have to do much other than a little contrast emphasis on the fireball and imp, and the depth-of-field.[/i]

Yeah, Doom 3 isn't so hot now maybe. But hey I'm bored, and it's Halloween. 
I have UBB syndrome and forgot to use func italics
Some New Free Shooter Was Released 
3 New Reviews 
3 new map reviews at my site:

1. the Masque of the Red Death
2. Castle of the Dark Ages
3. Nightjourney [6 map episode].

heres to many more map reviews. =) 
Sp Hl2 Map 
Minerva: Metastasis
got raging review so might be worth playing
(I didnt try it) 
u're like a bit late

still, i'ts great map. 
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