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Other PC Games Thread.
So with the film and music threads still going and being discussed... why don't we get some discussion going on something on topic to the board? What other games are you playing now?
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Looks surprisingly nice.

Killes, what SleepwalkR said. You gotta play it with friends. 
L4D/2 played very well with bots, I think that's how I did it first. More fun with coop tho. 
I get it yeah Sleepwalkr.

I think that very fact is part of the problem for me: it is setup as more of a party game from the ground up.

Actually I feel the same with Alien Swarm, maybe its just the random respawning swarms instead of the fixed challenge/enemy path to overcome.

I dont know how to express it but the spawning swarms thing makes the feel of the mission quite different to me.

And I was not rating it on how well it plays with other humans, just trying to pinpoint what turns me off about the game even when played with mates.

I played it with friends and yeah, after 15 min I was just "meh" about it.

I really like coop-ing with buddies in games like quake1 quake2 doom and the likes, setting the difficulty level high, when possible setting up aliases to drop/share ammo etc to strengthen the coop aspect.

But with L4D/2 or Vermintide or Alien Swarm I do not feel 1/10th of the fun of that for some reason. 
Also that is a proper fucking gameplay trailer. It doesn't show much but it actually shows gameplay, the hud, what it would actually bloody be like to play. More devs / pubs should do that as "gameplay" trailers.... 
This is pretty hilarous :
That actually made my long-dormant Warhammer40K penis stand to attention. Aesthetically that is just bang-on. 
In The Grim Darkness Of The Far Future.... 
....there is only Kinn's penis :( 
Call Of Space Duty 
In space no one can hear duty call. 
Call Of 2Spoopy4Me 
I tapped out of that series around CoD4 I think. It was all just shooty army men tango roger foxtrot back then - so, it's all robots and aliens and shit now? 
It's had robots to some degree since MW3, when they introduced manually controlled robots with weapons to break hard defenses. Then BlOps2 added drones and more ai powered things. It has been trending in the direction of more and more scifi, with some straight up shooting gluing it all together.

Now if you touch on the coop side of the franchise... It's all aliens, giant frankenstein monsters, pulp fiction heroes, 1950s ray guns, nazi zombies, hell hounds, and subterranean wild west ghost towns... So who knows what the coop on this one will look like - or if it was sacrificed to work on that CoD4 remaster. 
Sick trailer, love how it's choreographed.

Also, Imperial Knights!

Liked DOW. Really liked DOW2 and how the took a different direction. Hyped for this. Finally, a lot of good GW stuff on the horizon (Battlefleet is getting a decent reaction, Total Warhammer, Deathwing). 
Dawn Of War 3 Trailer 
Sorry I can't stop lolling at how hard the image at 1:33 was brought to us by Beksinski.

Then again Games Workshop have basically built an empire out of literally plagiarising every work of fantasy out there. 
Wow It's The Dumbest Fucking Shit In The Thread Until I Posted Now 
Kinn you're a tit

And SpaceCod end of trailer rofl "preorder spaceblabla and you get cod4 remastered so we make sure we sell this crap." 
I'll have you know I have over 300 confirmed kills etc etc.... 
But shamb, is shit trailer cos no gameplay :( 
Nah I Know It's Cinematic Brah. 
So...overwatch ? 
Fuck Blizzard! 
er, it looks pretty cool, I've been meaning to check out the beta (I think it's been extended until the 10th?).

Overwatch seems more compelling to me than Battleborn. Overwatch certainly has that undeniable bliz sheen and polish, visually anyway. 
I didn't want to buy it, played beta and now I want to buy it. Polished, fast and fun. Reminds of TF a lot. 
Team-based Char-based MP Only No Thanks. 
Here's 10 mins of fast-paced, visceral, violent Shadow Warrior 2 gameplay:

On paper this sounds good. But it leaves me completely cold - Painkiller with an oriental theme. Nothing about it grabs me (apart from the weather effects and localised damage) and the amount of effects and garbage on screen is annoying. 
Also in the same ballpark where I played the beta with friends with no plans on buying it. Now we all want to buy it as it was a blast.

They really do have something there. $40 for the PC version is nice as well! 
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