#9180 posted by - on 2016/04/25 21:34:30
Ah ha. Gotcha.
#9181 posted by Shambler on 2016/04/27 10:19:55
Anyone remember this? Team-based ship vs. ship space combat in pretty cool settings. Some developer gameplay videos were posted a while ago, it looked quite intriguing to me.
Here's some latest footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPtL7Ye_jmM
BUT, is it just multiplayer only?? A quick look on the website reveals this:
Absolutely! Dreadnought will have a single player campaign mode that allows players to explore the galaxy and engage in legendary space battles against the best captains the solar system has to offer. This EPIC space adventure features the writing of legendary comic book writer Dan Abnett (Guardians of the Galaxy, Warhammer 40K) whose narrative ties the campaign together and brings the Dreadnought universe to life. The full single player campaign may be released at a later time.
So.... Basically they are going to release a specialist and esoteric team-based MP game into a market that is already saturated with easier to get into and more identifiable team-based MP games with loads more on the horizon, the game is going to bomb like fuck, and SP will never get released, right?? Right.
#9182 posted by DaZ on 2016/04/29 01:32:21
Err Spacehulk Deathwing l4d2 in space etc etc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kub5vOaT0V8
Looks actually not bad
That looks freakin sweet. I really do appreciate the designs of the Warhammer universe but I really have little to no interest in tabletop gaming.
Looks Pretty Sweet
#9184 posted by killpixel on 2016/04/29 06:25:35
kinda neat how the suit is approached more like a mechwarrior.
I had a friend who wasn't interested in gaming but absolutely loved the warhammer books. The things he'd describe were always so much cooler than anything warhammer related I've seen. I'd tell him "you know, there are warhammer board and video games and they're pretty popular" but he didn't really care. Hearing him talk about the books made me want to pick em up.
#9185 posted by Killes on 2016/04/29 07:02:56
Looks great though I hope its not too l4d2-ish.
Am I alone in finding the l4d genre totally meh ?
I'm not sure why it bores me, something about the arena like setup, or how formulaic or forced it feels.
Maybe because its just not doable alone without teammates due to the very mechanics of the enemies makes it feel too "set up for coop" for it to be fun.
I prefer coop games that just increase enemy count and starve resources for coop challenge I think.
#9186 posted by Shambler on 2016/04/29 09:48:54
That looks spot-fucking-on. Personally don't like the fucking headbob but everything else looks like Space Hulk FPS done right.
Killes: Yes, yes you are.
Maybe because its just not doable alone without teammates due to the very mechanics of the enemies makes it feel too "set up for coop" for it to be fun.
This is the core idea of L4D. You have to play it with actual teammates for it to be fun. You have to cooperate. Otherwise or with bots it doesn't work very well. Why you would rate a coop game on how well it plays without other humans is beyond me, to be honest.
#9188 posted by bal on 2016/04/29 11:05:34
Looks surprisingly nice.
Killes, what SleepwalkR said. You gotta play it with friends.
#9189 posted by Shambler on 2016/04/29 12:02:48
L4D/2 played very well with bots, I think that's how I did it first. More fun with coop tho.
#9190 posted by Killes on 2016/04/29 12:10:55
I get it yeah Sleepwalkr.
I think that very fact is part of the problem for me: it is setup as more of a party game from the ground up.
Actually I feel the same with Alien Swarm, maybe its just the random respawning swarms instead of the fixed challenge/enemy path to overcome.
I dont know how to express it but the spawning swarms thing makes the feel of the mission quite different to me.
And I was not rating it on how well it plays with other humans, just trying to pinpoint what turns me off about the game even when played with mates.
I played it with friends and yeah, after 15 min I was just "meh" about it.
I really like coop-ing with buddies in games like quake1 quake2 doom and the likes, setting the difficulty level high, when possible setting up aliases to drop/share ammo etc to strengthen the coop aspect.
But with L4D/2 or Vermintide or Alien Swarm I do not feel 1/10th of the fun of that for some reason.
#9191 posted by Shambler on 2016/04/29 16:44:52
Also that is a proper fucking gameplay trailer. It doesn't show much but it actually shows gameplay, the hud, what it would actually bloody be like to play. More devs / pubs should do that as "gameplay" trailers....
#9192 posted by Killes on 2016/05/01 15:55:58
#9193 posted by Kinn on 2016/05/01 16:36:55
That actually made my long-dormant Warhammer40K penis stand to attention. Aesthetically that is just bang-on.
In The Grim Darkness Of The Far Future....
#9194 posted by Shambler on 2016/05/01 19:26:31
....there is only Kinn's penis :(
Call Of Space Duty
#9195 posted by DaZ on 2016/05/02 16:22:18
In space no one can hear duty call.
Call Of 2Spoopy4Me
#9197 posted by Kinn on 2016/05/02 16:35:18
I tapped out of that series around CoD4 I think. It was all just shooty army men tango roger foxtrot back then - so, it's all robots and aliens and shit now?
#9198 posted by scar3crow on 2016/05/02 17:42:50
It's had robots to some degree since MW3, when they introduced manually controlled robots with weapons to break hard defenses. Then BlOps2 added drones and more ai powered things. It has been trending in the direction of more and more scifi, with some straight up shooting gluing it all together.
Now if you touch on the coop side of the franchise... It's all aliens, giant frankenstein monsters, pulp fiction heroes, 1950s ray guns, nazi zombies, hell hounds, and subterranean wild west ghost towns... So who knows what the coop on this one will look like - or if it was sacrificed to work on that CoD4 remaster.
#9199 posted by Zwiffle on 2016/05/03 16:51:25
#9200 posted by Shambler on 2016/05/03 22:07:56
Sick trailer, love how it's choreographed.
Also, Imperial Knights!
Liked DOW. Really liked DOW2 and how the took a different direction. Hyped for this. Finally, a lot of good GW stuff on the horizon (Battlefleet is getting a decent reaction, Total Warhammer, Deathwing).
Dawn Of War 3 Trailer
#9201 posted by Kinn on 2016/05/03 22:35:46
Sorry I can't stop lolling at how hard the image at 1:33 was brought to us by Beksinski.
Then again Games Workshop have basically built an empire out of literally plagiarising every work of fantasy out there.
Wow It's The Dumbest Fucking Shit In The Thread Until I Posted Now
#9202 posted by czg on 2016/05/04 00:01:13
#9203 posted by Killes on 2016/05/04 06:25:49
Kinn you're a tit
And SpaceCod end of trailer rofl "preorder spaceblabla and you get cod4 remastered so we make sure we sell this crap."
#9204 posted by Kinn on 2016/05/04 12:26:21
I'll have you know I have over 300 confirmed kills etc etc....