Base Is The Easiest Theme To Work With
#9175 posted by negke on 2013/03/24 11:05:34
So many base maps in the works. Spirit is going to turn in his grave!
Drop The Base! WUB WUB WUB!
#9176 posted by than on 2013/03/24 14:00:59
Looks interesting, Ray. I hope to see more!
I think Scampie is/was working on a base map too btw, and hopefully Tyrann will one day release the mother of all base maps that he's had tucked away for the last 6 or 7 years nearly finished...
Don't Forget These...
#9177 posted by generic on 2013/03/24 15:03:35
Or We Could...
have someone tie them together and make a "something wicked" uber base map...
Base Schmase
#9179 posted by Spiney on 2013/03/24 17:17:55
Lol, I'm dicking around with the E2M1 source and slowly turning it into medieval style.
#9180 posted by Spiney on 2013/03/24 17:19:47
Why not try doing a 50/50 kind of thing. Mappers always seem to stick to a single theme for a map. Unless you're Madfox...
#9181 posted by - on 2013/03/24 17:47:43
I'm not working on a base map
#9182 posted by gb on 2013/03/24 18:47:25
Base Is The Easiest Theme To Work With
Really? (not being sarcastic, btw)
I think it's rather hard to make something *interesting* with the idbase set, because it kinda limits you to those wall panels. It's hard to me, at least.
I have an easier time with bricks or concrete or something - you can build whatever geometry you want, it will tile no matter what and light/shadow will make it look interesting without needing the details drawn onto the texture.
That's just how it is to me, though.
But I guess idbase gives you some dots to connect, and is easy in that way, while using endlessly tiling stuff requires actual interesting brushwork and some attention to lighting to look good.
I prefer brick and lightmaps.
#9183 posted by gb on 2013/03/24 18:49:26
To me, mixing a very rigid feeling theme of pre-made panels with more organic stuff is the hard part.
Each style has it's own challenge I think. I dunno if it's easier to make a base map, I just thought it was the best suited to remake deck.
Base certainly has a really versatile .wad to work with if you use the idbase_ultimate wad, I wish the other standard sets had been extended as much (at least to give more variety for mappers)
I Think
#9185 posted by Drew on 2013/03/24 19:42:50
Tyrann said its still in the works.
Whatever the theme, I'm down. Its exciting how much seems to be on the horizon.
Does anyone know what ever happend to the medieval map Lun was once working on?
Re theme... I don't think base is the easiest theme either. I guess I'd agree with gb on this one.
Then again I'm not convinced that I know what I'm talking about; I find metal to be a hard theme to pull off (well) also.
Casting The Magic Wand Of Pipes
#9186 posted by sock on 2013/03/24 19:45:00
Base Is The Easiest Theme To Work With
I think it is partly to do with what details people put in maps, crates, pipes, girders, computer panels, wires etc. All these details are easy to create and visualize because they are modern day things. Also the ID base textures lock together like lego and they are easy to work with especially for scale.
Base Is Not That Easy
#9187 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/03/24 20:39:42
But to do other themes well is just as hard I think. It's all about scale. 128x128 is deceptively large. Sometimes I wish those textures were 96x96 instead.
Steps For Example?
#9188 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/03/24 20:40:56
More like 32x96x8 I think. If you know what I mean. Which you might or might not. Which is obvious.
#9189 posted by negke on 2013/03/24 20:53:15
It just always felt to me like that.
I agree with sock. The textures are very consistent and compatible to one another, they pretty much fit like Lego. And it seems the base (sci-fi) theme is more immediately accessible to authors than the more abstract ones.
#9190 posted by quaketree on 2013/03/24 21:55:19
I think that the toughest thing about a base level is that you're kinda limited in the choices of appropriate monsters to populate it. Grunts, Enforcers and Dogs (and Scorpions if you're working with the Hipnotic add-on). That ends up limiting the type and amounts of weapons and ammo that you can use without unbalancing the gameplay. Obviously for a DM only map that's not really an issue. In addition some items simply look "Odd" in a typical base level. For example how would a PoP end up being there in the first place? A ring? Even the Quad is kind of out of place. The Armor is also kind of weird looking when sitting in a base level (it's got more of a medieval type thing going on with its looks).
#9191 posted by necros on 2013/03/24 22:33:36
I have a hard time with idbase. I find ikbase on the other hand is a lot easier.
#9192 posted by Kinn on 2013/03/24 22:39:13
For example how would a PoP end up being there in the first place? A ring? Even the Quad is kind of out of place.
I know, right? And what's with the player being able to carry like 8 weapons at once? Totally unrealistic...
#9193 posted by quaketree on 2013/03/24 23:14:55
I'm just saying that the overall base theme tends to limit the choices that are available. Those things that I mentioned can all seem appropriate to the other map styles in the game.
#9194 posted by Spiney on 2013/03/24 23:18:52
Hmm, I usually find that a small but very well thought out texture set gives strongest visuals.
I usually try to stick to 6 or so textures for most of the map... But I'm a bit of a less-is-more kind of guy so...
That kind of mentality only works well in games that allow you to do very abstract floorplans.
If you need a contemporary city you're going to need to throw a lot of diversity at it to sell.
Usually prefer textures that are fairly flat in terms of color and reasonably light to show of the light and shadow. Then again Alien style corridors are pretty cool also, I prefer those to look very methodological, using repetition a lot etc.
#9195 posted by - on 2013/03/25 00:04:34
idbase is one of the best examples of a low poly modelling saying: Let the texture do the work.
A single flat surface suddenly becomes a detailed panel in a military installation, and there's a bunch of other little alignment reliant textures that you can use that really make the set sing. There's also lots of easy ways of filling empty space and creating parallax in that space, which brings a lot of easy visual interest to maps without being unnatural. All with what are basically a bunch of cubes.
#9196 posted by necros on 2013/03/25 00:25:47
Never underestimate the parallax effect!
#9197 posted by sock on 2013/03/25 20:41:36
Pretty Awesome!
It's good stuff sock, though if I was in the model making business I'd be hella tempted to wait for capnbubs updated models to modify... :P
Could get those other ITS levels done in the mean-time ;)
Those Are Great!
#9199 posted by ijed on 2013/03/25 21:12:08