#895 posted by
PuLSaR on 2004/04/22 16:20:11
Did you get my mail?
or is it also delayed due to my 1997?
It Took A Few Hours, But I Got It.
#896 posted by
R.P.G. on 2004/04/22 16:25:08
I'll send feedback a little later.
More Screenies!!!
#898 posted by
madfox on 2004/04/22 21:32:16
this almost looks - mapping help -
some skinning advise for these two andro�ds...
#899 posted by
Fern on 2004/04/23 06:12:31
for the dinosaur: give up and use raptor
for the orbb: looks fine, maybe de-saturate it a little but other than that I dunno. :)
Try Yourself & Tell Me Again
#900 posted by
madfox on 2004/04/23 14:53:49
for the Orb, download and set in progs
for the Dino, don't use others stuff before trying your own...
Well . . .
#901 posted by
HeadThump on 2004/04/23 17:36:34
'for the Dino, don't use others stuff before trying your own...'
You have to admit, you have a lot of Id media in your levels.
If you really want to be a purist abput it.
As Always
#902 posted by
madfox on 2004/04/23 19:47:31
I was reffering at-
#899-for the dinosaur: give up and use raptor
but at least you gave it an ironic swing
in stead of your answer
I Assumed Your Raptor
#903 posted by
HeadThump on 2004/04/23 21:48:45
was a work in progress so I wasn't inclined to a response on its quality.
Moved The Trash
#904 posted by
madfox on 2004/04/24 11:37:05
then why do you answer?
to blame me using a lot of ID media in my level(s)?!
I wonder who's the purist!
#905 posted by
HeadThump on 2004/04/24 14:39:08
What's your favorite radio station?
The Prodding Joke was two days ago; time to move on.
An Opinion I Was Asking
#906 posted by
madfox on 2004/04/25 20:37:52
...not youre assertivity...
although now I don't know about which subject we're talking.
Let's say screenshots...
and don't miss the func_trains....
Alrighty, A Truce Then,
#907 posted by
HeadThump on 2004/04/25 22:11:38
Not sure if we were in a flame war or not -- I'm confused about it actually, but in case we were, meh apologises.
What are your plans for the astroid or lunar creations?
Test Map
#908 posted by
glassman on 2004/04/26 06:29:04
A couple of shots from a smallish map I'm making. It's something of test run for me of newer engine features - replacement textures at
.5 scale, coloured lighting etc. Shots taken in Fitzquake. Ignore the tree.
Looks Good
#910 posted by
nitin on 2004/04/26 06:44:04
if a bit plain, but that's some of the much better colored lighting I've seen implemented in q1.
#912 posted by CardO on 2004/04/26 08:58:25
looks absolutely stunning glassman. I've always been a fan of your maps. keep up the good work!
#913 posted by
- on 2004/04/26 09:03:02
there something in the water around here? everyone has nice looking maps lately.
#914 posted by
JPL on 2004/04/26 09:03:26
Really nice screenshots... congratulations !!
#915 posted by
Kell on 2004/04/26 09:12:59
that does, indeed, rock
Nice lighting, very soft and moody. Half-timbering is great.
#916 posted by
Maj on 2004/04/26 09:20:06
Nice, but I think you need to pick either contrasty textures or contrasty lighting - together they're a bit overwhelming.
Those A Beautiful Glasman
#917 posted by
HeadThump on 2004/04/26 09:54:15
Poster art quality.
Thx Guys
#918 posted by
glassman on 2004/04/26 10:20:34
Glad you like them.
Maj, it's late afternoon, low, bright sunshine, dark faintly blue shadows or maybe I boosted the contrast a bit too much in PS.
I'm gratified that nobody seems too phased by the custom engine stuff. I'm not sure if the map will end up being playable in the standard quakes due to the large size of the textures which, anyway, look crappy in the quake palette. I'm aiming at Fitzquake; my only regret is that there isn't a s/w engine that does external textures.
#919 posted by
Vondur on 2004/04/26 10:24:25
i'm phased actually, but i sincerely hope the map will be fitzquake ready when it's done :)
(/me still hates colored lites in quake)