Willem, Re: 9108
#9132 posted by
Blitz on 2013/03/19 02:30:46
When you say you have to build it like you would in Quake, what does that entail?
Do you mean you have to make the equivalent of a "brush" in Modo, or do you just mean you can't leave any weird / concave shapes?
Also, does it only work in Modo or is standalone and works for any program that can export .obj?
Tell Me About Your Impressions
#9138 posted by
mfx on 2013/03/19 03:33:46
or not..
#9139 posted by
deqer on 2013/03/19 04:46:48
That looks good, mfx. That first shot is nice, almost like from a movie.
But, fitz0001.jpg, looks good, but, something weird about it. About that control panel and the floor.
#9140 posted by
JneeraZ on 2013/03/19 13:35:52
When you say you have to build it like you would in Quake, what does that entail?
Do you mean you have to make the equivalent of a "brush" in Modo, or do you just mean you can't leave any weird / concave shapes?
Right, you have to build with individual shapes that are convex and sealed. Like Quake brushes.
Also, does it only work in Modo or is standalone and works for any program that can export .obj?
It works with the OBJ file format so anything taht exports to that format should work...
#9141 posted by
JneeraZ on 2013/03/19 13:36:34
But, the nice thing is that you can work however you want in Modo (or whatever) and when you're happy with the mesh, you can then spend 10 minutes breaking it down into convex shapes for export.
#9142 posted by
generic on 2013/03/20 00:25:42
Those last sets of screens make me hopeful :)
That's very curious looking.
#9145 posted by
Drew on 2013/03/20 10:14:45
Looks cool!
Also dark!
How far along?
Bit Dark
Could do with a bit more contrasted lighting IMO. More bright spots, more dark spots, but overall less blandness.
I love this shot:
Some decent honey vibes there.
#9148 posted by
mfx on 2013/03/20 11:03:48
Need to rebuild the lighting in there i think, i was expecting you might say it�s too dark ;/)
OTP: Yes its definitely some Honey in there, map was made as a hommage to CZG.
Dark Is Ok
#9149 posted by
ijed on 2013/03/20 12:40:33
But + contrast. Maybe some spotlights would help.
I Didnt Find It Too Dark
#9152 posted by
nitin on 2013/03/21 00:40:35
but yes contrast would help it look better.
#9153 posted by
Drew on 2013/03/21 01:24:47
mfx - how far along?
Negke - Ed who? Cripps?
Deck 16 Remix Update
This is almost done. I have 1 room and a couple of ceilings to do, I've already started item layout and some small testing with Omicron bots.
Once I'm done I'm going to need a couple of volunteers for testing, when it's released it'll have the source
.map file included.
Also, screenshots -
#9156 posted by
Drew on 2013/03/21 23:36:19
include SP variant, please!