Call Of Cthulhu
#9038 posted by ijed on 2016/02/27 19:57:12
Not sure if this is the same ones who did the Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth game.
It was ok. Console game with a buggy PC port.
I remember it was impossible to escape the Shoggoth unless you lowered your screen resolution (to TV / console levels) so that it ran at 30 FPS and you could actually outrun the thing.
#9039 posted by Shambler on 2016/02/27 21:23:08
Almost no information but a promising premise....
#9040 posted by Shambler on 2016/02/28 13:34:08
Okay watching him play it, it actually looks pretty interesting - very tactical.
Also looks pretty frustrating tho...
#9041 posted by ijed on 2016/02/28 14:13:24
But the payoff when you get it just right is great.
It's a great concept, well executed on the design side but technically weak. Having said that I'm the only one having hardware issues.
I bought after biscuit said 'nueromanceresque' and was very happy when this turned out to be true.
#9042 posted by Killes on 2016/02/28 14:23:56
Pain about the replays being so jerky, I guess one could turn mouse sensitivity right down to counter that
#9043 posted by Killes on 2016/02/28 14:46:52
Otherwise I like it.
The simple pure thing going on is cool, I could also see the concept used in a more complex game.
I know bullet time in FPS sucks but I think if it is applied in the vein of the player being a GITS/Syndicate cyborg agent with many abilities to tactically manage it would be cool, all with the same level of challenge/puzzle superhot gives.
I Don't Care If Its Jerky
#9044 posted by ijed on 2016/02/29 00:36:36
I have my mouse speed in Quake pretty much maxed.
I care that it drops in frame per second so much.
Far Cry Primal.
#9045 posted by Shambler on 2016/03/02 11:33:32
What fucking ever. When are they going to do a NEW Far Cry game rather than a reskinned FC2/3/4/etc??
#9046 posted by flp on 2016/03/02 12:21:12
They have a free demo to try on their website.
I really like the pixelart. Don't know about the price though.
#9047 posted by anonymous user on 2016/03/03 19:22:25
Inner Chains:
FPS with Gothic / Lovecraftian environments? What a time to be alive...
#9048 posted by ijed on 2016/03/03 19:25:17
Nice art, slow gameplay, bad animation.
Looks promising though.
#9049 posted by Kinn on 2016/03/03 19:31:31
Beksinski: The Game
Shame you move at roughly the speed of a dead paraplegic.
#9050 posted by Kinn on 2016/03/03 19:37:03
"Ok, with this density of art we can only afford to create x square metres of playable space, but we want the game to last at least five hours, so I guess that means the player movement speed needs to be..."
*gets out calculator*
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
#9051 posted by spy on 2016/03/03 19:38:58
any thoughts?
Inner Chains.
#9052 posted by Shambler on 2016/03/03 19:56:19
I'd put up with that movement speed for that art style, TBH. As long as it's not super-linear on-rails.
#9053 posted by skacky on 2016/03/03 20:47:15
I backed it but not enough to have access to the alpha. Looks and sounds amazing.
HR Giger
The game.
But It Sure Looks Nice.
Needs More Tentacle Tits Though.
And phallic symbols.
Inner Chains
#9057 posted by metlslime on 2016/03/03 21:08:54
the art looks great, the 1 gun shown looks like it feels terrible.
With that movement speed it could play like a 1st person dead space, but they still need to make the guns feel good and the enemies animate better.
Inner Chains looks nice... not sure about the lightning gun.
Scenery Looks Better Than Devil Daggers At Least.
#9059 posted by Shambler on 2016/03/03 21:43:05
Inner Chains
#9060 posted by killpixel on 2016/03/03 22:57:36
Great to see this type of art in a game. I hope the stellar visuals don't become a crutch. The gameplay appears underwhelming and the name is kinda meh. Definitely keeping tabs on this, though.
Kingdom Come
#9061 posted by skacky on 2016/03/04 00:13:24
What do you know, beta has launched and I pledged high enough to get it.
#9062 posted by necros on 2016/03/04 02:26:17
i remember hearing about that, that's the one with the really complex melee combat or something?