#8978 posted by necros on 2016/02/10 23:13:38
As such, I godmoded most of the game.
What a waste of a good game, probably the saddest thing I have read here in a long while. God mode will reduced the game to a museum visit, staring at scenery while drifting through the crowds.
Actually, it lets people who don't have that much time to waste actually see the ending to a product they purchased.
To be fair, it's not the game's fault I don't enjoy playing without cheating. I assumed all the hype about the difficulty was just hype and not real so I figured I'd be able to muddle through it, but this game demands way too much effort on my part to actually enjoy. It's just a chore to play and a game should never be a chore.
But now that I know what these games are actually like, I haven't purchased any since then because those games are clearly not for me.
#8979 posted by JneeraZ on 2016/02/10 23:19:23
"Forward - LMB
Backward - RMB
Left - ,
Right - .
RShift- Fire "
What in the actual fuck?!
#8980 posted by mh on 2016/02/10 23:25:35
What in the actual fuck?!
Sounds like it's optimized for a laptop; using this layout your right hand can do the left/right/fire keys (I bet that '/' is change weapon, jump or something similar) and your left can handle fwd/back on the touchpad.
#8981 posted by [Kona] on 2016/02/10 23:40:37
The thing is even with godmode there's still plenty to enjoy in dark souls without the high challenge - notably the visual design. It might be less interesting to the gamer that plays for combat and doesn't give a damn about what the game looks like, but everyone here would value the design of a game just as much.
Re keys, seems to make sense for me haha
Forward = LMB
Backward =- RMB
Left = ,
Right = .
RShift = Fire
RCTRL = secondary fire or melee
Enter = use
/ = crouch
alt = run
space = jump
l = reload
m = zoom (n is usually cycle zoom)
[ & ] = cycle weapons
; & ' = end up being additional attack or power keys if needed, depending on game.
All your standard RPG menu keys are already around there (J, I, K, O, P) so I don't have to lift my hand to reach them like WASD would require.
The only disadvantage is having to get to the number keys for selecting weapon, but most modern games rely less on having all weapons available anyway, since consoles don't have that many keys. and the positions of the two damn windows keys are a waste of space. Maybe need a keyboard without those.
ps. glovepie fixes enter being unbindable in some games.
God Mode Is For The Stupid
#8982 posted by Rick on 2016/02/10 23:49:27
God mode is for any stupid part of a game that the developers were too stupid to know was stupid.
MMORG Tendancies
#8983 posted by sock on 2016/02/11 00:08:00
To be fair, it's not the game's fault I don't enjoy playing without cheating. I assumed all the hype about the difficulty was just hype and not real so I figured I'd be able to muddle through it, but this game demands way too much effort on my part to actually enjoy. It's just a chore to play and a game should never be a chore.
This is indeed very true, DS is certainly not for everyone. God mode to check the level design is understandable because it is good, though the fear and anxiety of exploring is also part of the DS package. I think DarkSouls has parallels with a MMORG and time spent leveling. If you hate the grind then DarkSouls will be annoying from the first death.
Big Up The Spastic Control Scheme Massive In Da House.
#8984 posted by Shambler on 2016/02/11 00:26:07
Bind head-prodder to "always run toggle"
Overload, By The Makers Of Descent
#8985 posted by primal (nli) on 2016/02/13 08:51:31
They are calling it a spiritual successor to Descent. It's currently in development and on Kickstarter.
Some prototype gameplay can be seen here.
#8986 posted by khreathor on 2016/02/13 11:13:16
Isn't it too late? Descent: Underground is in Early Access and looking good too.
Carpark Drone Wars Sim Ahoy.
#8987 posted by Shambler on 2016/02/13 12:27:32
Lighting and effects look decent.
Rest looks so characterless and themeless. Same with Descent too, the games never seem to give a strong sense of what and where you are.
#8988 posted by Shambler on 2016/02/13 12:30:40
...if the setting looked more like 15:30, I might hype a bit.
#8989 posted by necros on 2016/02/13 15:31:29
I think he said it was test assets?
The People Who Made Decent Are Back
#8990 posted by killpixel on 2016/02/16 18:40:47
and are making... decent?
It's interesting that the levels are being made the same away the were back in 95...
Devil Daggers
#8991 posted by DaZ on 2016/02/18 21:23:38
Is out http://store.steampowered.com/app/422970/
Again, the art, atmosphere, and 90's ness is A++++ but I wish there were proper levels!
Looks SHIT Hth.
#8992 posted by Shambler on 2016/02/18 21:24:38
Devil's Daggers
#8993 posted by Kinn on 2016/02/18 22:38:31
yeah if there was an actual game behind that monster design demo then I might give an Eartha Kitt. As it stands though, errrr.....
Lots of nice designs, sound and art... gameplay is robotron in first person.
If you think you're getting Doom or Quake then you're going to be really disappointed. If you're expecting an endless arcade shooter with a high score table then it's pretty much that.
For those who have the game, you can click the eyeball symbol on the high-score page and watch a demo of that run.
Watch the top demo. The game is far more nightmarish than doom or quake IMO.
#8996 posted by JneeraZ on 2016/02/19 00:55:47
DaZ - Stream it so I can save $5.
I was going to stream it, it's not something stream-worthy really.
Devil Daggers
#8998 posted by khreathor on 2016/02/19 02:22:23
This game is frustrating as fuck.
Graphics: 8/10
Sound: 6/10
Gameplay: 1/10
LevelDesign: 0/10
Overall: 3.75/10
Playing The Witness Now
#8999 posted by metlslime on 2016/02/19 02:24:30
I like the puzzle designs, and it does a good job of slowly teaching you how to play it while making the learning part of the challenge instead of an insulting tutorial. Also, there are a number of good moments where you think about the puzzles in an area one way, and then discover something that makes you re-evaluate everything previous in a new light.
I also like the environment art, not only is it often pretty, but I especially like the player's flow through the spaces. There are lots of nice feeling paths that lead you to a good reveal, it feels great going past things and through things with good parallax. And the way routes branch, loop back, view the same space from a higher vantage point, etc. are all good.
Devil Daggers
#9000 posted by Vondur on 2016/02/19 06:45:09
bought to check
no Y-axis mouse invert
no sound
The Witness
#9001 posted by bal on 2016/02/19 11:30:28
Yeah the island is a great feat of level design, which is especially hard to pull off right for open-ended areas like that.
Great game overall.
Getting Old, Lazy Or Both
#9002 posted by Scragbait on 2016/02/19 14:00:32
Reading Kona's comments about Dark Souls kind of applies to me in a way. Part way through playing SOMA, I decided to install and activate the Wuss mod (appropriately named); not because I was scared but because I was way more interested in exploring the environments and digging through various items to flesh in the story then I was in dealing with enemies. I loved the underwater base settings but lacked the patience to wait out the enemies who interferred with what I wanted the most out of this game. Yes, I spoiled SOMA but ended up enjoying it a lot more afterwards and I would play it again, Wuss mode on, just to take it all in again.
And if I'm not corrupt enough on SOMA, I'm playing Outlast with edited ini files to slow the enemies right down. Without cheats, I'd abandon this game as the darkness and scarcity of batteries for the night vision makes it enough of a challenge for my limited patience. As is, I'm not minding the game too much. Not as good as Amnesia, A Machine for Pigs, because it is so hard to see, but it has a similar vibe.
Not sure if it is age, been-there-done-that combat grinding fatigue or the fact that I find walking sims or less combat intensive open world games (Fallout 3, Oblivion, STALKER series) or immersive puzzlers (Talos, Portal, Swapper) to be more interesting and less likely to be abandoned.What I've enjoyed most in games is immersion and exploration and the ability to progress withion my deteriorating capanilities. Getting mad at a game because I'm not skilled or committed enough making it seem like work is not how I want to use my limited time.