#76 posted by
negke on 2012/02/14 19:44:39
Thanks for the reviews, quakis and Tronyn. And thanks again for all the demos. Sorry about water area - next time I'll try to make it more noob-friendly. ;)
That Ceiling Tube
#77 posted by
ijed on 2012/02/14 21:06:06
Was complete n00b trolling - admit it.
Looking again at the rest of the layout, I realise how complex it all is...
Yeah, Ok
#78 posted by negke on 2012/02/15 10:59:51
Btw. than, did you get the homage? <3
Yeah, I Did
#80 posted by
than on 2012/02/17 00:26:51
"Remove your tie before you go in" and "another plumbing job well done"?
Thanks :)
Cool Map
#81 posted by
Preach on 2012/02/18 11:25:31
Really enjoyed playing through this map. The extra details and the retexture of dm6 made it feel really seamless and up to the architecture expected of quake this days. Combat was never unfair and there was good creative use of jumping monsters and angles. I did find that by half way I was completely out of shells and ended up using nails in combats I wouldn't usually - but that might just be my instinct to mostly save them for high pressure fights.
I liked the underwater segment to a point, because it gave an exploration feel which I wasn't expecting in a map comprised of levels I already knew. I did get caught out at first because I missed the respawning airsuit first time round and expected instead that I'd have to find one somewhere else. Once I got the hang of that it worked fine.
I think the connecting pipes down there were what made it most difficult though. As you said it is disorienting in any water section, and so having tunnels whose design offers no distinction between horizontal and vertical caused problems. This was compounded by the combination of water, dark texture and low lighting which made everything indistinct on my monitor.
That was the only real problem I encountered though, and I still liked the overall idea of an extensive water exploration segment. Finally, curse you for making a fetch quest with a non-key item - that's been something I wanted to do in a quake entity-hack map for a while! I shall have to make mine more gruesome now...
#82 posted by Tronyn on 2012/02/19 10:39:24
I try not to read the threads too much before I review a map (like maybe read only the first 5-10 posts), but the water section was noob-friendly enough for me ;) the traps in Lower Forecourt were way more confusing to me. What is awesome though is just these new scenarios you always invent. Shit I'm Michael Bay compared to you ;)
Necros might be a bit more of a Chris Nolan. heh.
#83 posted by
negke on 2012/02/19 12:06:24
Am I the David Lynch of Quake then? Or the Uwe Boll..
#84 posted by
rj on 2012/02/19 14:47:21
you're too hard on yourself. you're at least a peter jackson!
Very Very Cool Map
#85 posted by
nitin on 2012/02/25 14:09:13
wasnt expecting to like it as much as I did (mainly because dm5 and dm6 are very bland looks wise but your additions were good enough), but the gameplay in this map is awesome IMHO. Well balanced and a lot of fun with many surprises.
100% Spoiler Demo
#86 posted by
negke on 2012/03/01 15:08:25
Demo |
For onepureturtle and others who missed some of the secrets or cba to play the map.
#87 posted by
digs on 2012/03/09 21:23:52
Scuba at this time found, but in the end still choked ... A lot of water ... Panic :)
Will try again
#90 posted by
Spirit on 2012/03/10 12:03:10
And I still have not found out how to finish digs06.