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Mapping Help
This is the place to ask about mapping problems, techniques, and bug fixing, and pretty much anything else you want to do in the level editor.

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Looks Good 
It looks like the WVis times are rounded to the nearest minute?

This was on a Core2Duo E6850 (3 GHz).

Original VIS run:

---- Vis 2.31 ---- Modified by Bengt Jardrup

File: c:\quake\id1\maps\wish16.bsp
2929 portalleafs
8356 numportals
State file out of date, will be overwritten
testlevel = 4
ambient sky disabled

average leafs visible: 192
max leafs visible: 646 near (-608 352 592)
c_chains: 39836161
visdatasize: 219 kb compressed from 1049 kb

Elapsed time : 6:52

WVis run:

---- WVis 2.31 ----
Modified by Bengt Jardrup
Multithreading enabled by Willem

File: c:\quake\id1\maps\wish16.bsp
2929 portalleafs
8356 numportals
State file out of date, will be overwritten
testlevel = 4
ambient sky disabled

Using 2 threads.

average leafs visible: 192
max leafs visible: 646 near (-608 352 592)
c_chains: 39880904
visdatasize: 219 kb compressed from 1049 kb

Elapsed time : 3:00

I just did this, so I haven't actually looked at the map in the game. If I see any problems I'll post them.

The only difference in the log is the c_chains (no idea if that's important). I ran the full BSP, Light, Vis each time with no change to the actual .map file 
I guess this is the recursive linkage made in between volumes. As in bsp process there's a volume expansion process that defines where are each faces / leafs, I think it is almost the same for vis process except the tools creates a chained list of volume in order to process them recursively (i.e from this volume, process the faces, and check what are the others visible volume not in the list, etc...) and determine which volumes (and then number of faces to render per volume) are visible from a given position.
This is how I understood the system in very "rough" way.. and maybe I'm wrong :P 
Yeah, I'll check the rounding but I didn't really change anything there that I can think of. Hmm... 
Wow ! 
Progress in Quake map building, after all these years ! Nice work !

Quick question about something else:

Does it really make a lot of difference if you make your curves just by cutting them with a circle, or if you use the vector manipulation to make them more or less the same size and triangles ? If anyone has some more info (on the web, maybe ?) about vector manipulation, please let me know. 
Ah, Found It:

Learn those ratios by heart, use them. The ratio used in the above tut is 0:2 2:4 4:2 2:0 if that makes any sense. There are other possible workable ratios but that one's always worked for me.

As far as constructing said curves, the 2-point clipper will probably give you less headache (and fewer invalid brushes) than trying to vertex manip everything into place. 
Black Monsters 
I remember someone else having a problem awhile back with this ... I have some spots in my level where creatures turn black despite the floor and the walls around them being lit perfectly fine. Is there an easy workaround for this? I'm running FitzQuake... 
If they're passing over a sky brush then they'll always appear black unless the sky brush has a normal, solid brush inside it.

If they're appearing black when passing over normal lit floor then there's an issue with the origin of the monster.

They take no reference from the walls. 
But what can I do as a mapper? Just rework the brushes in the area until the engine stops having an issue? 
Can You Upload A Screenshot? 
Maybe it's a known issue. 
The screenshot would just be an enforcer standing a well lit ledge but he's black. If he moves to either side a little bit, he lights up. I guess I'll just play with it. :) 
Fair Enough 
Doesn't sound like any issue I know about. 
Tiny Misalignments Maybe 
the problem i believe you're remembering was mine where i had torches and stuff fulldark even though the ground under them was nearly fullbright (or overbright even).

i think i understand what causes it. i suspect it has to do with FQ's lighting interpolation, but only on maps that are unsealed.

the problem usually happens in corners or along walls, never in the middle of a room.

i believe this was because the sides that made up the bottom of the wall brush and the side of the floor brush were fulldark and the interpolation was getting messed up.

i've found that sealing maps so that those faces are removed tends to fix it.

if you have an enforcer on a ledge, is it possible there are faces in the area that are messing up the interpolation?

from what i recall of how metl explained it to me, FQ doesn't just look at the floor directly beneath the model to light it. 
The map is definitely sealed but there might be some dark polygons in the area. I'll take a closer look... 
Thanks a lot for that link, Grahf ! 
from what i recall of how metl explained it to me, FQ doesn't just look at the floor directly beneath the model to light it.

I haven't actually figured out this bug yet, but the fitzquake interpolation should still be looking just at the same floor polygon as glquake. The difference is that when you trace a line down and it hits between lightmap samples, glquake picks the nearest one and fitzquake blends between all four.

Again, since i haven't figured out this bug, i can't say in what way fitzquake is doing it wrong. 
More Curves 
No prob Ron, I'm welcome to pass the info along. Thank CZG actually, he wrote it.

Actually, it's worth mentioning that the tutorial I linked to in #8923 was written specifically for Worldcraft. The more advanced methods, of bending a hollowed pipe, simply do not work in editors such as Radiant. I beat my head against a wall for a while until Speedy told me the solution: the pipe itself can only be 8-sided, but you can bend it around a 12-sided curve. So there you have it, in case anyone was wondering. 
oh fuck, got a map with 400 brushes but is stucking my mapping :\

Isn�t giving me any inspiration at all :\ in some way i want to delete the dawn bastard but then I feel petty for all the work I�ve lost

But guess I will have to let this baby died and start a new one!

I�m want to start a new map like tchak but the size make me be afraid of never finish it... :\ 
page was inspirating me to a new map! 
MadFox = Dr.Seuss 
not sure, but does it metch: 
Forget It 
or post your hat. 
Im Sorry 
im not comprehending what i think im supposed to :S

i think my brain has gone to warp stage 
That's nothing.

In my occasion I never know what to think
when adding a post and the toppic grows
dead for weeks. 
someone needs a model animation but has only the smd format.
It seems something to do with the Team Source SDK Model Source File.

I can only use 3DS or DXF files but he tells me the file in Milkshape or Max3d will only transport to these extentions without bones.

As I need to animate them it's usefull to keep the bone structure.

Is there a solution to this convert error? 
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