#8903 posted by - on 2016/01/31 01:53:00
I meant to also say... about 20 hours in atm, believe I completed all the main goals, just secret hunting now mostly.
Looks ok.... But just on Windows.
I bought "Back to Bed", which is a cute little puzzler with Escher / Dali ispired artwork.
Hmmmm - but only 30 levels apparently, but i got it for $3 on special.
#8905 posted by primal on 2016/01/31 08:56:35
Milkstone, who made Ziggurat, have a new game in Early Access. It is a side-scrolling action RPG called Pharaonic. After enjoying Ziggurat quite a lot, I'm curious to see what they've made in a different genre.
This post shows what is currently done and what is unfinished.
This video shows the combat gameplay.
#8906 posted by [Kona] on 2016/01/31 08:58:51
Yeah does look good.
But does have it a point to anything, like, a story or explain why you're there, some progression?
Or is just mindless wandering and solving puzzle?
The Witness
#8907 posted by bal on 2016/01/31 10:14:10
Finished the main game yesterday (still plenty of secrets to hunt down), it's really good, Steam says it took me a bit less than 20h.
I'm really happy with the difficulty level, lots of people complain that it's too hard, but I found it just right.
Kona, it will feel like mindlessly wandering and solving puzzles for most of the game, if you want some kind of story in it you'll really have to dig deep down into the hard secret stuff. The progression is basically only you slowly expanding your comprehension of how different puzzle mechanics function.
Oh and it's very pretty.
looks nice but I think could benefit from being sped up a tiny bit.
Lost Planet 3
#8909 posted by [Kona] on 2016/02/01 06:06:52
Wicked atmosphere part-aliens/part-The Thing. 10/10 for that, the score and sound effects. Some areas looked really damn cool, especially in the first half of the game when you first go up the mountain, or leaving the base for the first time, or finding the hidden original colony base.
8/10 story, which is a prequel to the first 2 games.
Everything else is not so good though. Gets lots of comparisons to Deep Space, which it is similar to. Main cons are:
� Upgrades are all useless as I only use one gun for most of the game
� Walking around in your stupid robot suit is slow as hell, takes forever and far too much of the game. Even on foot, your character is plodding snail. Deadspace and Bioshock caused this!
� Apart from the last level, the entire last 1/3 of the game takes place in areas you've already fucking played. All linear environments so it's not like a sandbox type of thing. So lazy.
� Keyboard mapping is a mess. You'll have almost the entire keyboard mapped out. The developers could have done a much better job in this area.
� QTE boss battles. I've never seen entire boss battles just be a giant QTE. It's terrible. Most were pretty easy, one was a total cunt.
� Shoot the glowing orange part of the enemy, type of combat. Honestly.
I did enjoy the game because of the design aesthetics, but it does feel like the developers bowed out in the last part of the game. Even the human enemies that finally show up for you to kill (instead of insects) have non-existant AI and just stand there getting shot at.
Overall, despite all those cons, I think 7/10. I'm a sucker for a good unique, creepy atmosphere.
#8910 posted by madfox on 2016/02/08 18:52:10
I'm on the fifth level "The Cruncher".
When I enter the large second hall all enemies are on different height.
I can't shoot them as my aim is straight on.
There's no way for +mlook in Doom2.
How does this work?
Using a joystick in stead of a keyboard?
#8911 posted by metlslime on 2016/02/08 18:54:17
doom has vertical auto-aim, i thought.
#8912 posted by Kinn on 2016/02/08 18:55:43
Doom 2 has vertical autoaim, so just line them up horizontally.
You might want to also try the ZDoom engine as it lets you look up and down a bit, which is cosmetic, but makes it feels less shite when you come to it from Quake.
Doom -> Zandronum
#8913 posted by flp on 2016/02/08 19:15:29
My favorite doom source port is http://zandronum.com/
Modern doom ports all have mouse look and the ability to disable autoaim. In Brutal Doom you'll even have to aim verticallly and there also are headshots :D
I'd also suggest zandronum because it comes with doomseeker which in turn comes with wadseeker. This combination makes for hours of crazy fun. Doomseeker is a multiplayer server browser (there are always people playing) and wadseeker is a tool that autodownloads wads/mods when you want to connect to a server that has things that you don't.
I've discovered some crazy mods this way (Big round bagels hunting down marines ?!?).
However I have the most fun on these massive coop maps where 10+ players face off against hordes of enemies.
#8914 posted by Joel B on 2016/02/08 19:28:16
Yeah Doom 2 works perfectly fine without vertical mouselook, however it can also be fun with it (and maybe less disorienting if you're used to Quake). One thing I'd say about mouselook is that in ZDoom there is some weird warping when you look up and down. If that makes you uncomfortable then GZDoom is a better choice -- it handles vertical mouselook as well as (for example) Quake does.
Some people really badmouth GZDoom for having texture-filtering and odd lighting. That's true for its default settings, but you can go into the menus and set "Doom" style sector lighting, and turn off texture filtering. It's still not *exactly* the same as Doom but it's pretty close, and good enough if you really want to be able to vertical-mouselook without getting barfy from the world warping.
(All that being said, I'm kind of on a mouselook-less Doom kick these days, using Crispy Doom or Doom Retro.)
Vertical Aim?
#8915 posted by madfox on 2016/02/08 19:51:01
I'm on lower ground and I can't see a way to shoot the imps up.
#8916 posted by ericw on 2016/02/08 20:18:46
It's 2D, you just have to aim horizontally
No need to aim up, just shoot them and the bullets will go up... Also try not using the super shotgun for that kind of distance.
#8918 posted by madfox on 2016/02/08 22:51:07
If I aim straight foreward the white bullit flash ends upon 16 units under the imps. So I get killed every time because I can't shoot the same height.
Indeed it is 2D, but in the video it is aiming up and down, so how does they do it?
#8919 posted by Joel B on 2016/02/08 23:02:50
The guy in the video is using a sourceport. See the posts above from Kinn, flp, and me.
#8920 posted by Kinn on 2016/02/09 00:06:53
Damn, I'd have used GZDoom for my recent playthru rather than ZDoom if I knew it didn't have the lookwarp.
#8921 posted by madfox on 2016/02/09 04:12:58
That dzdoom is terrefic, that's the mouselook I searched.
Thanks for the hint!
GZDoom Is Very Good
#8922 posted by killpixel on 2016/02/09 04:56:20
The options menus is fairly extensive, a quick perusal will dismiss most complaints.
This was played with gzdoom. It doesn't look 100% vanilla but it's not nearly as bad as its detractors make it out to be. The mouselook is good. Turning and mouselook speed are a bit weird, though. You may need to drop the latter a hair if it feels off.
#8923 posted by necros on 2016/02/09 13:40:14
How did they get the smooth weapon animations?
#8924 posted by Kinn on 2016/02/09 13:45:02
My guess would be that someone drew some extra frames.
If you want smooth animations then I recommend getting Smooth Doom.
There's Info And Links In The Video Discription
#8926 posted by killpixel on 2016/02/09 18:04:31
improved PerK's smooth animations (this version is tweaked for compatibility with the following mod)
minor sprite fixing project